Chapter Forty Three

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"I am coming for all the monsters that ever touched him. I am coming for all the ones who twisted his stars into shadows, they turned him into a nightmare so I'm going to be theirs."


The slow, deliberate clatter of heels echoed against the pristine white floor, each step a prelude to the impending storm. The tension in the air was palpable, like a predator closing in on its prey.

Come closer, don't be afraid

The light flickered on, illuminating Ivy's modern, minimalist home. She jumped, her hand flying to her chest when she saw me lounging in her chair.

"How did you get into my house? What do you want ?" she demanded, her voice trembling.

"Well, hello Ivy," I replied, my tone dripping with mock politeness.

"How do you know my name?" she asked, eyes wide with a mix of fear and confusion.

"I have my ways."

"What do you want from me?" she whispered, the color draining from her face as she clutched her designer handbag, knuckles white.

"It's simple. I want you dead."

Her eyes widened in pure terror, the pupils dilating like a cornered animal.


"I hate seeing people play innocent. It's quite annoying ."

"I don't know what you're talking about," she stammered, a bead of sweat forming at her temple, betraying her calm facade.

"Really? Does the name Kyle Collins ring a bell? Hmm?"

" Are you after him ? "

" No but he's burning in the afterlife "

"W-Who  are you?" She stammered

"Mariano's girlfriend."

Her face turned ashen, and her hands began to tremble visibly. She looked like she might faint.

"You're the reason he refused to sleep with my sister?"


"You're the bitch he rejected Felicia for?"

"This is about a bruised ego? Is that what this is about?" I laughed, the sound sharp and unhinged, echoing through the cold, empty space.

"She knew damn well he had a girlfriend, and you all still decided to go after him. So, who's the real bitch here?"

"You can't handle a guy like him."

"I don't care who Mariano sleeps with or if I can handle him, but it's my business when some insignificant slut nearly kills him because she can't take rejection."

"He's alive?" Her voice was barely a whisper now, eyes wide and desperate.

I stepped closer, watching her eyes dart around, likely searching for an escape route. Futile. She remained rooted to the spot, paralyzed by fear.

"Where's all your fucking courage now, huh?" My voice shook with cold, controlled rage.

I grabbed her arm, twisting it violently until I heard the satisfying snap of her shoulder dislocating. Her scream was muffled by the raw agony, her mouth open in a silent cry.

Smiling, I headbutted her, a sharp crack following as blood gushed from her nose. I pushed her down, and she groaned in pain, her body crumpling to the floor.

Lena Martins Where stories live. Discover now