namjoon went to call taehyung and seokjin when he entered he saw him and taehyung asleep cuddeling "tae really made seokjin keep his promise" namjoon chuckled and then he heard the door bell ring he went to open and saw jungkook and jimin standing outside "hey jungkook jimin come in" namjoon said "hyung i feel so bored" jungkook said "and the winter vacation is starting from tomorrow"jimin added "how about we go somewhere together it's been a while we did"namjoon said and instantly the mood of the two boys lit up "oh my really it will be so much fun"jimin said "we can ask yoongi hyung too"jungkook said "yeah"jimin "your right let's meet up at yoongi's home tomorrow we all can talk about it" namjoon said "by the way where is seokjin hyung and taehyung"jimin asked namjoon looked at taehyungs bedroom and smiled "don't die from cuteness once you go in" namjoon said "we'll see" jimin said with that he went inside "aww"jimin said in his mind "hey you both i want cuddle too" jimin said and joined them taehyung was half awake "no jimin you always get cuddels"taehyung said jimin pouted "please~" jimin pleaded "no"taehyung said whining "jimin come leave them alone" jungkook said from the door way of the room "but i also want cuddels" he said "alright i will give you cuddels as many as you want"jungkook said "alright"jimin said taehyung looked at jungkook with puppy eyes to take jimin away "jimin you can play with yeontan" namjoon said from the living room "wait yeontan is back when did you bring him from daegu?" jimin asked leaving seokjin and taehyung alone "finally" taehyung mumbled and went back to sleep seokjin was fast asleep so he didn't hear anything he was having a nightmare
in the nightmare
seokjin was playing a sertain music on his piano when a man came inside angrily and dragged him outside and in the hall "how could you let him out?" the man shouted "he's a human too how can you do this to someone" "and someone is a noone to you why do you care" "he's my best friend and your a monster who hur- before he could finish it suddly changed him to locked in his room and-
end of his nightmare
"hyung hyung hyung" seokjin woke up to taehyung calling him his eyes shot open "tae" he said weakly and hugged him and broke down it broke taehyung's heart to see jin crying like that so he hugged him more tightly "shh hyung it's alright it was just a bad dream it's ok i am here we all are here don't worry" taehyung said "tae i wish i could tell you i wish i could speak about all the things i went through the person i lost but i just can't" seokjin thought and hugged taehyung more tightly the room went silent they stayed like that until jin clamed down a little after sometime when seokjin clamed down he broke the hug "thanks tae" seokjin said "it's alright hyung i will always be here for you we can talk about it when you ready" taehyung said seokjin smiled and for a second they were lost in eachothers eyes they didn't even notice their faces were just few inches gap left in between their faces and suddenly jungkook came in "oh i am so-sorry i did-did-n't me-an to s-see any-anything b-b-b y-e" jungkook left in a hurry jin and taehyung jumped back to their sences "oh i am sorry" seokjin said "no it's okay i am sorry too" taehyung said "seokjin taehyung comeon" namjoon said "let's namjoon's calling" seokjin said with that both taehyung and seokjin went out to the living room"
yoongi went to see hobie he rang the door bell and waited for hobie to open the door he could feels someone watching him he turned around their was no one "hey yoongi" hobie said opening the door "hey how are you feeling i came to check on you" yoongi said "no it's alright i feel better now why don't you come in " hobie said "next time hobie i got some work to do at home" yoongi said "yoongi now that i feel better i can help you please" hobie said "you sure about it?" yoongi asked uncertain "yup hundred percent" hobie said "alright then" yoongi "by the way yoongi we are friends now why don't we exchange sure numbers" hobie said following behind yoongi friends this word echoed through his mind "yoongi" hobie called again "oh yeah right right" yoongi said and they exchanged their numbers with eachother "come in" yoongi said opening the door for hobie to come in "you live all alone too?" hobie asked "ah yes i just moved in last week" yoongi said "no wonder why those boxex are still laying there" hobie said "oh yeah i needed to move those boxes" yoongi said "sure i'll help you" hobie said rolling his sleeves up to help yoongi they started to move the boxes "so where's your family?" hobie asked "i don't have one anymore" yoongi said he sounded a bit down "hey i am sorry i didn't mean to hurt you" hobie said "no it's alright i moved on with it a long time ago" yoongi said yoongi turned around and suddenly hobie gave him a  tight hug yoongi tensed up at the sudden action but slowly he clam down and hugged him back he never felt how a hug felt well hobie got butterflies in his stomach when yoongi hugged him back hobie finally broke the hug "thanks" yoongi said "it's alright i'll i mean we will always be here for you and yeah we should move the box- hobie suddenly tripped over a thing and fell pulling yoongi alone with him and due to the fall yoongi accidentally kissed hobie on the cheek yoongi fell on top of him when yoongi realised what happened he wanted the earth beneath him to sollow him on the other hand hobie's heart suddenly started to crazy he became red like a tomato they were in a akward position yoongi quickly stood up "oh my god i am so sorry i didn't mean to do that" yoongi said continously "it's alright it's my fault i pulled you with me when i fell" hobie said he was blushing red and yoongi's heart wanted to leave him and run away (rip biologyT_T)

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