"here we are" rose said coming to a very hidden place in the college "me and hobie found it when we are roaming around" rose said "no one's watching you don't have to hide your hair" soobin said "this place is huge" jungkook said "ofcourse it is" soobin said "what if someone comes in" hobie said looking outside rose suddenly came running in guys guys "is a teacher coming?" Jungkook asked "no I brought some snacks" rose said "you sacred us" soobin said "you know you can come here whenever you want but keep this place a serect" rose said seokjin nodded they talked for a long moment that they forgot how time passed by everything felt normal again seokjin and hobie had a eye contact while laughing hobie turned away fast no matter what guilt was always eating him up "I'll go now I can't miss this class" hobie "come on hyung it's one day" soobin said "sorry soyabean I gotta go" hobie said and left he didn't go to any class he went straight inside his dorm and inside his room he didn't come out for the rest of the day after few minutes he felt hyungry so he went and opened the freezer he found nothing and sighed when he saw strawberries but they were expired so he threw them in the trash cause they could be harmful he took a apple and went back inside...


Seokjin came back to his dorm room he saw yeontan laying down on the couch he went and sat beside him "is fluff ball sleepy huh?" Seokjin said stroking fur gently yeontan woke up and started to pull towards taehyung's room seokjin followed yeontan and went inside taehyung's room to see him sleeping with the blanket wrapped around him and hugging himself like a baby he walked towards him and put his hand on taehyung's forehead for some reason and he was right taehyung was sick "oh my god" seokjin said panicking "tae-taehyung " seokjin said shaking taehyung a little he was shivering in cold "I should take him to the nurse right now" seokjin said worried he picked  taehyung up in his arms carefully taehyung was half asleep but he didn't push seokjin away he didn't care anything anymore he clinged onto seokjin like a koyala seokjin kept yeontan inside the room and ran towards the nurse room lucky the nurse was still their "he's sick" seokjin said laying taehyung down on the bed"it's ok you sit down your leg isn't fine I'll take care of him" nurse said seokjin sat down outside waiting, he took his phone and send yoongi a text

                      Hey yoongie please can
                       You please keep yeontan
                           with you today please
                                  I'll explain later

Yoongi received text from seokjin he saw it and headed towards his room luckily the door was unlocked he picked up yeontan and saw the key was by the table he picked it up and locked the room and left with yeontan he came inside when hobie came outside his room too yeontan ran up to him happily "y-yeon-ta-tan?" Hobie wad confused he wanted to ask yoongi but he knew he wouldn't like to talk to him so he just kept on playing with yeontan yoongi smiled a little while playing hobie's hoodie fell backward revealing his new hair yoongi heart started to pound fast seeing hobie "wait what's happening" yoongi thought looking away hobie quickly hid his hair yoongi quickly went inside his room...


Namjoon's dorm was right opposite to them and he saw seokjin hurrying somewhere with taehyung in his arms he got worried so he followed them seokjin was now inside namjoon saw taehyung laying inside from outside "seokjin please take care of him i wish I could but he won't like me their" namjoon said in his mind and walked away he sat down on his bed and looked at his and taehyung's picture he started to cry hard wishing everything was same as before "only if I told him the truth before I was fool to try hiding it" namjoon sobbed he heard a tiny bark outside he walked towards their dorm door and peeked outside to see hobie walking in the corridor with yeontan by his side hobie was so lost in his thoughts everytime he thought about his friends guilt ate him up it hurted him so much he wished he could speak about it to rose or soobin maybe jisoo but he was afraid to lose them too he was afraid they will look down on him too he held his tears back

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