No one's pov

The winter vacation has started and the students have started to return to their home rose and jimin decided to get ice cream before going they, yoongi stood outside "aish finally I can sleep peacefully without worrying about getting late" yoongi said "like seriously sleep that's what you care about right now" jisoo asked "yes" yoongi respond "come on your not" jisoo said being so done "we have assignment to submit after exam" jisoo said "what another one" yoongi asked "yes" jisoo replied "urgh no" yoongi said with a annoyed expression

Rose and jimin were walking up to the others after buying their ice cream "so you got a ice cream for both you not me" jungkook said pouting "well I got banana milk for you" jimin said "that my jimin" jungkook said and they started to laugh "looks like soobin and namjoon hyung have become pretty close" jimin said jungkook turned around and saw soobin and namjoon talking and laughing but jungkook just walked away "hey j-jungkook" jimin tried to stop jungkook but he left he was confused at why he left like that he turned around and saw rose peacefully eating her ice-cream jimin smiled at the sight "hey jimin" namjoon said walking towards him "hey hyung" jimin said smiling "where's jungkook he said we'll go together" namjoon asked confused "I don't know he left all of a sudden he was here few minutes ago" jimin said
Namjoon sighed and walked away to find jungkook "what's going on?" Jimin mumbled .

Seokjin took his stuff and walked out of his dorm room he walked down the empty corridor yoongi left first and is waiting for him outside he sighed looking at the empty corridor so was his heart he left the college campus and headed towards the station lot of students arrived early he was hyungry so he decided to have something from his bag he and headed towards his train when he heard a loud wail he turned around to some mens in black suit kidnap rose "what" seokjin was shocked at what was happening all the students their got scared

Yoongi was looking for seokjin when he heard a loud scream he looked from where it came he saw someone kidnapping rose she struggled to free herself but they took her somehow "no hey" jimin tried running behind the car but to no avail "jimin running behind them will be no use the car is faster than us" namjoon said "hey guys" jisoo arrived at the station only to see the students looking all terrified "did something happen?" She asked "yes" jungkook said "what happened?" Soobin asked he came from the rest room in a hurry when he heard the commotion outside "what happened here I heard scary scream" soobin said "it was rose they took her" jimin said "what do u mean?" Jisoo asked namjoon explained everything to jisoo "WHAT" jisoo almost screamed I going to save her jisoo was stopped by yoongi "u don't know where they took her u won't find her this way someone is playing a game with us" yoongi said "a game" jimin said "exactly the only one who can do this to us is him" jimin said looking at hobie angrily "ya" jimin walked towards hobie in rage "guys stop him we need to stop jimin"  by his shirt hobie got frightened at the sudden action "aren't u happy yet why are still doing this to us" jimin shouted his fist tightly holding onto him "jimin let hobie go" yoongi said pulling hobie away from him while jungkook stopped jimin "WHY WHY HYUNG WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS" jimin shouted crying all the students gathered around "hyung?" Soobin asked confused "wait what's going on?" Jisoo asked and soon cause of the commotion jimin, yoongi, jungkook and hobie and others where kicked out of the station "jimin tell me what's going on? Jisoo asked "please" she pleaded "we all knew eachother from before" jungkook said "jimin, hoseok and seokjin hyung are half brothers"namjoon said "what" soobin said "I need u guys to be honest with me please" jisoo said "yoongi and jungkook are brothers we didn't tell anyone cause we wanted to leave the past and start again but he decided to start it AGAIN" jimin said the last part in anger Hobie standing their looking down trying hard not to cry

Seokjin was trying to make his way out among the crowd of students "umm excuse me" he said moving towards the exist until his shirt taught on to someone's bag and he fell on top of the person along with the person "omg I am- seokjin tried to stand up and apologize but fell again cause his shirt was still tangled to the bag "wait a minute" a deep yet gentle voice said "tae-taehung?" Seokjin mumbled and looked up to see dark brown hair taehyung tried to untangle his shirt from his bag his eyes had softness in them seokjin was really close to him he could feel his warmth he stared at him like their was no tomorrow taehyung looked up and they had a eye contact "h-hyung?" Taehyung said they were so much lost in eachother's eyes that they didn't notice the distance between just a few more inches and then the horn of the train horned it was unlucky yet lucky day "omg I am sorry u missed the train cause of me" seokjin felt guilty "it's alright I can take the one tomorrow" taehyung said softly trying to untangle the seokjin's shirt he tried to pull it which cause seokjin fall more close to taehyung "uh I-i a-am s-r-r-srry" seokjin said with that he tried pulling his shirt which cause his shirt to tear half it was cold outside too "oh no" seokjin looking at his half torn shirt "it's alright here" taehyung said putting his sweater around seokjin covering him "but what about u won't u feel cold?" Seokjin asked "no I am good" taehyung said they stared at each other as the sun was slowly going down a train passed by they looked at eachother taehyung smiled so did seokjin their eyes spoke love so many untold words....

On the other side jimin blamed hoseok for everything hoseok couldn't take it anymore he had been holding onto himself for so long "DOES IT LOOK EASY FOR U DO U THINK I WAS ALRIGHT I TRIED OF SAVE OUR PARENTS IN HAD NO OTHER CHOICE LEFT YES I PUSHED U AWAY BUT I ALSO DIDN'T WANT YOU TO GET HURT INSIDE THE MESS IN THAT FAMILY WHY WOULD I DO THAT YES CAUSE I LOVED U LIKE MY OWN BROTHER U NEVER SAW HOW HARD IT WAS FROM MY SIDE" hobie yelled crying he ran away in pain and hurt their was a brief silence.....


Hey guys I am sorry I again updated late I always say I will do it everyday day and yet I always mess up I know my sorry doesn't makes up for this but I have been looking for ideas to continue I didn't want to make it unenjoyable for u guys 🥺

Hope u guys like this chapter 🥀💜

Have a good day or night

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