Rose almost fell asleep when she heard loud snores and saw he fell asleep he quitely left the room went downstairs and found seokjin, hoseok and jimin he ran out of their to find the others and stop them from playing the game but it was too late they tried calling them but it was invain seokjin fell on the ground crying hard yoongi tried to open the door but nothing worked then seokjin heard a voice behind him "hyung" and then suddenly he passed out and only heard gun shots.

20th December 2049

Taehyung sat on a chair inside a dark room in one glass window his hands tied to chain a person spoke from the other side he was investigating him but he didn't speak a word and laugh like crazy at them

The next the officer looks at his file a taehyung's information we come to know he had delusional disorder he never went to any game he was 16 year high school kid who was bullied and never talked to anyone he killed his 8 bullies and seokjin, yoongi,jisoo,soobin, namjoon, jungkook, jimin,hoseok,rose the college was just his imagination he was the person who was kept in a lab and experimented on seokjin he imagined was the young boy of the family who was behind the experiment and hoseok and jimin too they died in car accident in real life but taehyung loved them so much he imagined the three sons of that devil as seokjin, hoseok and jimin, the person he imagined as jisoo and soobin and rose they were actually the popular kids in his school who never talked to him and the person he imagined as jungkook, namjoon were the two class clowns he always wanted to be friends with and yoongi was who he imagined in his place he sat on the cold floor laughing at his fate a officer came and sat across him on a chair he looked up to see namjoon the actual namjoon the not the person he imagined "is this some kind of error" those were taehyung's last words before he passed out

This is the last chapter of error and yes I was grounded for months

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