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"Sixteen people, all different and unique. No one knew what would happen to these sixteen peo- you know what? Fuck it. You know the drill. No one should feel the need to explained this stuff again. Let's get to something interesting this time, okay? Okay."

A blond, british man sighed. "Come on, you need to read the thing!" he said. His buddy shook his head. "No way, this is stupid!" they said, looking angrily at the screen. "Please?" the man asked, eyes wide. "Caddie, no. You read it." the other said, moving away from the microphone in front of them. "Hmm, nah. You know what, let's just do something else. Skip the whole intro speech and go strait for the gold!" the man, Caddie, suggested. "Sounds good to me." the other said. "Good. Now, that's it, right?" he asked. "That's it. Ready to go in?" his buddy asked. "Hell yes. Ready to do your thing?" Caddie asked. "Hell yes." they responded. Caddie smiled. "Fantastic." he said.

The two walked to where fifteen other youtubers laid in a coma like state. "You know, why not just die in your execution?" Caddie's friend asked as the other laid down. "Because, what fun would a dead mastermind be? I need to see their despair and have them die with me, duh!" Caddie explained, plugging a wire in to the side if his head. The other nodded. "Right." they said.

"Well, good mate, see you on the other side." Caddie said, ready to enter the game. "Will do, will do." his buddy said. "Okay, three, two, one..." they said, pushing some buttons. The machine roared to life, and entered everyone in to the game. The friend said down at their computer, and started controlling the black and white Monokuma. They started talking in to the microphone.

"Alright, let's do this. Get ready to die."

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