Cold F**t

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"Jeremy I swear to god." Michael said, scooting away from Jeremy on the bed to get away from him. "If you put your feet on me one more time, I'm going to lose it."

Jeremy gave a small pout and tugged on the blanket he and Michael were sharing. "But Michael! They're so cold, and you're so warm." He responded. Michael rolled his eyes and sighed, scooting back over to the shorter boy.

"Maybe I want to stay warm, then. Not being harassed by your coldness."

"Fine, okay, I won't do it anymore." Jeremy said as he pulled the covers over his head. "Goodnight!"

Finally. Michael started to close his eyes again and drift to sleep, until he felt something cold quickly press against his leg.


Jeremy pulled his foot away, bursting out laughing as he rolled over onto his other side. Michael sat up and leaned over, grabbing his glasses from his nightstand. He waited for Jeremy to calm down before speaking again. 

"You know what? If you're so cold, I have a way to warm you right up." 

"Oh?" Jeremy rolled back over to look at Michael. "And what's that supposed to be?"

Michael scooted to the edge of the bed to where Jeremy's feet were, gently resting his legs on top of Jeremy's legs. 

Jeremy sat up and squeaked. "You wouldn't.."

"Oh, I would..~" Michael gently ran a finger down one of Jeremy's feet, watching Jeremy cover up his mouth and fight back the giggles.

"I-I'm not t-ticklish anyways!" Jeremy said, even though Michael knew he was already. They'd been best friends for so long, and Michael knew every tickle spot Jeremy had like the back of his hand.

"If you're so 'not ticklish', I guess you wouldn't respond if I did this?" Michael ran all of his fingers from one hand down Jeremy's foot, making Jeremy shriek and try to pull his legs out from under Michael's.

"MIKEY WAIT I—!" Jeremy pleaded, giggles pouring out of his mouth as he was cut off from finishing the sentence. Michael had repeated the motion, making Jeremy lose his train of thought.

Michael smirked at Jeremy as he paused. "Tell you what. If you promise to keep your cold feet off of me, I'll stop." he offered. "But if you do it again, it'll be even more of this for you."

"Okay, okay!" Jeremy quickly said as he caught his breath. That didn't last very long, because then Michael had to drag his fingers down one more time, setting Jeremy into another giggle fit.

"Consider that a warning." Michael joked as he gave Jeremy a hug, pulling him back down onto the bed with him. 

"Whatever. Goodnight, Michael."


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