BMC meets SCP-999

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IDK much about the SCP characters but I heard about this one and had to do something with it lol—

"We really shouldn't be up at 1am."

"It's Friday, Jeremy!" Michael said. "Plus Christine said she wanted to show us something." He parked his car near Christine's house and got out with Jeremy, stretching. "Are you sure you're not cold? Wearing a crop top right now seems kind of silly."

"I have on a jacket, if I get cold I can just zip it up." Jeremy responded, Michael shaking his head playfully.

"Let's go then." Michael grabbed Jeremy's hand and walked up to Christine's front door, knocking. Christine quickly opened it, looking disoriented and brushed some hair out of her face.

"Hey, you too! Come in, everyone else is here. My dads are with some friends and won't be back until the morning."

Michael and Jeremy walked in, hearing Christine slam and lock the front door with a bit more force than needed. "Uh, are you okay?" Michael asked. Jeremy went to sit on the floor near the couch with the others.

"Oh, yeah yeah totally!" Christine smiled, nodded her head quickly. "But there's something I need to show you all." She started to walk through the living room into the kitchen. "Follow me."

Everyone got up. "This better not be a murder plot." Rich joked.

Christine whipped her head around quickly as she put her hand on the back door. "Not a WORD about this to anybody. I found it and it's harmless and—"

"IT?" Chloe raised an eyebrow, a disgusted look on her face.

"JUST SHUT UP OKAY?!" Christine said. "Now does everyone promise to not say anything?" Nods came from everyone before Christine slowly opened the door, taking a deep breath as she took out her phone and turned on flashlight mode. "You can come out now.."

Everyone stepped outside as Christine shined the light on a small blob. It was orange and looked like slime.

"You wasted everyone's time. To show us a peanut butter ball." Chloe said, staring at Christine. "Of course you did."

"Don't be such a bitch, Chloe!" Jake responded, glaring at the brunette. "Obviously this is important to Christi—"


Everyone turned to look at Brooke, who had jumped back away from the group, horrified. They looked at the blob to see it was moving towards them with a small face on it, seeming like it was smiling.

"Christine. What the fuck is that?" Michael asked, looking at the shorter girl.

Christine quickly shook her head. "No no no don't worry! I don't know what it is but its super sweet and won't hurt you..!" she reassured, reaching out her hand to the creature.

Just like that, the creature seemed to create a stubby little arm without a hand to touch to Christine's hand. "See? Harmless! It also really likes candy." She pulled out a small m&m bag from her pocket and poured out a few m&ms, feeding it to the blob.

Jenna blinked a few times, snapping a few photos of the creature. "Christine, HOW did you find this thing?"

"Don't take photos, what if you show someone?! Anyways, I heard a noise outside and it was this little guy." The blob wrapped itself around Christine softly, forming some tentacles with its blob body and gentle tickling under her chin.

"I forgot to say it likes to tihihickle!" Christine said through giggles, wiggling around a bit.

"In that case! Goodbye." Jeremy said as he started to turn around. That was when one of the tentacles grabbed Jeremy's arm and pulled him back over. "MICHAEL ITS GOT ME!" He shrieked as it let go of Christine and wrapped itself around his tummy. Jeremy fell to the ground and started giggling.

"That's another thing, all it seems to need to do is wrap itself on you?? To tickle you??" Christine said as she caught her breath.

"This creature is.. actually a bit cute." Michael smiled a bit before getting serious again. "But are you sure it's safe?"

"No I don't, actually." Christine said as Jeremy's laughter could be heard in the background. It finally let go of poor Jeremy. "The worst it's been doing is just randomly tickling me so.. pray for the best, I guess?"

That probably explained why Christine was so disoriented earlier.

The creature went to Jake next, wrapping itself around jake's arm as it climbed him. No reaction. ".. haha?" Jake gave an awkward smile. He didn't want to make the little guy feel bad.

"You're not ticklish, unfair!" Rich pouted, then the creature jumped onto Rich. "HOLY FUCK!" he squealed and snorted as the creature nuzzled into his neck, seeming to purr.

Chloe spoke. "Does anyone else feel this.. weird aura? Like.. calming."

"Only since this little guy showed up." Christine said, then looked at Rich. "Um, we should probably help him."

Michael shook his head. "After how many times he makes jokes about wanting to get with my dad? I say he deserves to stay there longer."

The little peanut butter blob got off of Rich and grinned at Michael, starting to wobble towards him.

"No, no, no, no. Nuh uh, absolutely not." Michael's eyes widened as he backed up.

Jeremy smirked at Michael a bit. "Don't want to make it sad, do you? Even Jake gave some effort."

".. I hate you." He sat on the ground and let the blob climb onto his lap, wrapping itself around Michael but also pulling Jeremy down with a weird tentacle thing and wrapping itself around him too.

"NOT AGAIN!" Jeremy whined and started giggling loudly, Michael also giggling a bit too. Christine started to walk over to them.

"I thought you said it had been tickling you so much already?"

"Yeah but I'm bored." Christine started giggling as she got trapped with Jeremy and Michael, too. It even grabbed Brooke.

The four of them were in fits of giggles until the blob stopped, now heading over to Jenna. It climbed onto her and did the same thing it did with Rich, nuzzling her neck. She snorted a bit and pet the creature. "Cutie."

"What are we going to do with it?" Brooke asked curiously.

Christine shrugged. "I'm not sure, once my dads get back I'm not sure if it'll have a place to go.." she picked up the little guy from Jenna and hugged onto it.

Chloe reluctantly hugged Christine. "We won't let it leave you, I promise." 

Everyone hugged, surprisingly happy with this new friend. 

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