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Jeremy wasn't sure why on earth he would accept Michael's offer to give him a foot massage when he knows how ticklish he is. But here he was now, on the couch, feet on Michael's lap and trying to ignore the agonizing tickly feeling. 

The worst part was Michael wasn't even tickling. He was just massaging lightly, just enough to very slightly tickle and it drove Jeremy crazy. However he knew that if he let out a laugh or anything, Michael might actually decide to tickle him, which is equally as bad.

Was it really though? Jeremy honestly did like it when Michael tickled him, but Michael could be quite torturous when it came to tickling. Even now, when not even tickling, Michael managed to torment Jeremy without even realizing or trying. Why did Jeremy have to complain about his feet hurting?

Jeremy tried his hardest to just focus on the TV, some old cartoon on that Michael had been too lazy to change it from, but he just couldn't. He could feel the giggles rising in his chest and that's when it happened. Michael did the tiniest little scratch on the arch of Jeremy's foot. Jeremy quickly scrunched up his toes in response and let out a soft squeal.

Did Michael know what he was doing? He was back to just gently massaging again. Jeremy unscrunched his toes and turned his head to look at Michael, who was also watching the cartoon but with a small smile on his face. 

Michael then did another scribble near Jeremy's toes, making him curl them up again and this time actually start giggling. "Mihihihichael!"

"Yes?" Michael turned his attention away from the TV and looked at Jeremy, a knowing smile on his face. Oh, so this was on purpose. Michael gently ran his fingers down the arch of Jeremy's foot. "Don't you like the massage?"

"NONONO—" Jeremy snorted and wiggled his feet around slightly, trying to pull them off Michael's lap before the taller boy rested his arm near Jeremy's ankles and tsked.

"Oh? Maybe I can make it more enjoyable somehow!" Michael faked obliviousness and gently held one of Jeremy's feet in his hand and gently pressed his thumb up and down Jeremy's foot.

Jeremy snorted and tried once again to pull away at the gentle feeling. "Cut it ohohout!"

"One last thing!" Michael gently held Jeremy's toes back on one foot and gently poked and scratched under them. Now this has opened up a whole new world of awful tickly sensations to Jeremy, who squealed and snorted and laughed while trying to get away from Michael by all means.

Finally, Jeremy was able to pull his legs away and hug his knees close to his chest. He caught his breathe and mumbled a "screw you," which sounded more playful if anything at all. Michael leaned over to kiss Jeremy gently before getting back into his original position on the couch.

It was only a few minutes before Jeremy's feet were back on Michael's lap.

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