Jake Dillinger Headcanons

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•Not ticklish

•like at all

•Might possibly have one spot that's ticklish, no one knows for sure

•He's an evil ler



•He will tease you beyond belief but can be really soft about it sometimes but also sometimes he's like "THE FUCK ARE YOU LAUGHING AT??" In a ridiculous voice

•When he teases depending on who it is he's tickling, he does silly voices and says silly things. He did it to Christine before (since they dated)

•Christine is probably his favorite lee because she's so fun to just absolutely destroy but he's SO SOFT WITH HER

•He just flat out tortures Jeremy and Rich—

•Makes up nicknames for the group and in general is pretty chill

•If he does have a tickle spot no one knows about he actually wouldn't care if anyone found out because he could probably destroy them in seconds anyway

•He tickled Chloe once and got a bruise—

•You want him on your side in a tickle war

•As a lee, he'd probably wouldn't really fight back too much unless it was like a full-out tickle fight

•When Rich is annoying he's just like "you have 3 seconds to run—"

•Knows all of the squad's tickle spots and everyone fears him for it

•Other than the fact he's evil with tickles he's a good boi :3

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