Swingin' Space Age Ticklish Man

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Watching Ricky talk about his Zolair world was honestly really fun to Noel, and it was also fun for Noel to talk about his character Monique Gibeau, or his frenchsona as the group called it. It was impressive how much backstory they could fit into their characters, especially with Ricky's have a fully-fleshed out world to go with his.

Ricky was currently explaining lore about what  Noel liked to call his 'bachelorsona,' rocking back and forth and sitting crisscross on Noel's bed as he signed. According to Ricky, even though his bachelorsona was a mortal, he was still a total badass with a heart of gold, and all the sexy cat women loved him and—

"Is he just as ticklish as you are, though?" Noel had asked, a playful smirk on his face. When Noel had talked about Monique earlier and how cool she would be, Ricky had asked a similar question to the shorter boy. Noel had gotten a flustered and told Ricky to be quiet, but now he was curious to see if Ricky would be just as caught off-guard as he was.

The curly-haired boy was, in fact, caught just off-guard as Noel had been, face turning a few shades darker as he scrunched up his nose and stuck his tongue out at Noel, flipping him off. 

"Oh, how vulgar!" Noel fake gasped in offense and scooted over to where Ricky was sitting, pulling him close and gently pressing kisses to neck. Noel couldn't help but smile the giggles that came out of Ricky as this happened, moving his hands under Ricky's galaxy colored shirt now to tickle his sides.

That made Ricky squirm a bit, but surprisingly lean into Noel as he stopped. "Swingin' space age bachelor man? More like swingin' space age ticklish man!" 

Ricky rolled his eyes at that, a smile on his face as he caught his breath and laid his head on Noel's shoulder, arms wrapped around him happily. 

It was a cute moment until Ricky started to poke at Noel's side.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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