Chapter 5

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•Dionne POV•

The night carried on towards the usual downward spiral that you'd expect. Of course, we continued to drink, and it was probably about 1am when I pulled my phone out and decided that I was the designated photographer for the night; it started with me watching Tyler do a shot of tequila, knowing full well that we'd immediately be seeing the regret on his face within seconds. Then it was Blaire and Michael realising that they both loved Taylor Swift, and drunkenly screaming the lyrics to 'Shake it Off' in each other's faces like they'd known one another for years. After that, I just wanted to take pictures of everything. People dancing, people singing, people drinking - even Ashton drinking a glass of water like a responsible adult... I think he's the only person in this room that can actually be called that, honestly.

"Wow, so you actually take pictures outside of uni? I thought that was all just a front to impress the lecturers." Ashton joked when he caught me taking a picture of him by the back door.

"Oh is that what you do? Explains a lot." I mocked, clicking on my photo album and looking through the pictures I'd gotten so far.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked amusedly, and I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You tell me. You're the one who said it." I smiled mischievously, reopening my camera and snapping a quick picture of his shocked but entertained expression.

"Two can play that game." He pulled out his phone, and before I knew it there was a flash going off in my face. "Oh shit, I didn't realise the flash was on-"

"Nah that was intentional sabotage!" I laughed, poking him in the chest as he began to giggle, still snapping pictures as I wandered over to grab another bottle of beer. At the same time, I noticed Calum enter the room and felt the smile on my face grow. "I haven't got any pictures of this guy!"

"Huh?" Calum furrowed his eyebrows, a lost look on his face; his cheeks were slightly rosy, and I knew he was probably as drunk - if not more drunk - than me. I was quick to turn and take multiple pictures of his confused face. "Hey!" He blurted out when he realised what was going on and marched over to me, reaching his hand out to obstruct the camera. "You're a shit!" He laughed as he grabbed for the phone, attempting to take it out of my hand.

"No touching the equipment!" I exclaimed, backing away until I hit the table behind me and took one hand off my phone so I could grasp the surface behind my back, pulling my phone back over my head. Then I felt Calum's hand wrapping around my wrist, the other hand landing on the table behind me so I was basically trapped. "Dude!"

"Come on, at least show me the pictures, Dionne." He insisted with a laugh, trying to pull my arm down so that he could see my screen as I stared up at him, feeling goosebumps at the sound of him saying my name - I didn't have the heart to remind him that I prefer 'Dee', but I also didn't totally mind either..

"Alright, relax." I giggled, shrugging his hand off my wrist before once again clicking through my album. "Look-"

"These are blurry." He criticised, and I shoved his arm.

"Yeah because you were trying to snatch my camera!" I heard him snigger to himself, watching him become absorbed in looking through the pictures. I looked up and over at Ashton, noticing that he was looking down at his own phone with furrowed eyebrows, scrolling across the screen - looking at pictures he'd taken, maybe? "Ashton, do you wanna see too?" I asked, seeing his head shoot up at the sound of his name. I watched his expression quickly switch from that uncertain frown to raised eyebrows and pursed lips as he let out a 'hm?'. Then, presumably, he realised what I'd asked, and responded with a quiet "oh yeah" before walking over.

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