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The taxi driver pulled up and I raised my head. An estate, named 'bull ham' was in view. Stopping by the security guard, my dad did all the talking as he left the car. When he came back inside the large gates opened up.

"Wait how many gates are here?" Fareed ask.

"The security here looks pretty much tight. I mean just look at the amount of security and their loaded weapon. Does the president live here or something?" I inquired.

As we passed through the three gates and security, we were greeted with beautiful and high architectural buildings. My mouth dropped from the sight. I can't even describe how beautiful the whole surroundings are.

"Mom? Are we living here?" Yup he just had to ask. But serious are we? I asked myself.

The driver parked right in front of a building which is close to the fencing of the estate. The hell! We are at the end?! Not that I mind that. We all stepped out and immediately the breeze fanned my face and I smiled. Maybe moving isn't a bad thing.

"Alright thanks Mister ...Ib-ro right? How much would that cost?" My dad thanked him trying to pronounce his name. Are all names in this country that hard?

"5k" The man simply said. I frowned knowing the currency is obviously different with the amount so I became too curious to ask.

"Uhh excuse me but five thousand what? Dollars?" I know Amani! I know nigerians don't use dollars but I want it to sound real. I said to myself while I wait for his reply.

The man frowned before answering."Uhhh.... Naira?" I pronounced in my mind and replied. "Okay thanks."

The clock struck 6pm and the adhan on my mum's phone called out. Notifying everyone it was time for prayer. Today was hard. And I mean hard as in lots of fixing, and cleaning, re arangements, and all those stuffs. Earlier as I was packing some stuffs I took notice of our closest neighbor. It seems they are also moving as I saw how workers brought boxes in. Meanwhile I saw the whole family as they just arrived with a different car. I shifted my gaze from them and continued working. Don't start spying Amani, your new neighbors can think bad of you. Especially now that you don't know how nigerians are. My subconscious added.

"Alright everyone make your wudu and come pray. " My mum announced again.

6:30 pm
Everyone was in bed lying and not sleeping of course. I was so exhausted I even forgot to call Neema. I turned my phone and data on and nonstop messages kept entering. I paused... That i even forgot to call Neema? Who is she anyways? I asked myself while I dialed her name.

"Took you long enough" I narrowed my eyes "Bye!" I didn't wait a second longer before cutting the call. It didn't take her much to call me back and after I intentionally missed her call twice I finally answered.

"Geez girl calm down. I didn't  call cause I know you would be busy. How's everything? The trip? Bet you cried..."

"Well... I didn't cry. You think I'm like you or sth?" I asked raising a brow.

"Hmm, don't believe. I'll ask Fareed."

"Speaking of Fareed..." I pursed my lips remembering he still has a video of me.


"What? Huh?"

"Tell me what happened. I'm all ears."

"What do you mean."

"I know something happened. Is it a boy? Or... A girl?!" With widened eyes I replied.

"Astagfurrullah! Like seriously? What's you and boys?'

"Cute boys sweetie."

"Isn't bashir enough for you?"

"What? No! I mean yes! No wait..."

"What ever. At the end, Fareed will tell me, maybe with evidence. Fareed doesn't disappoints me."

"Bye!" I cut the call and sat down on my wonderful bed.

I stood up from lying on the bed and went towards my larger window. I slid the curtains to the side and took in the view. I saw my neighbors from earlier and l looked up to the dark sky covered with sparkling stars of different shapes and sizes. I breathed in and out as I enjoyed the gentle yet cold breeze that flew right on my face. I shivered a little before my eyes landed on the light that someone switched on my neighbor. There, I saw a silhouette of a young man I presume. He was right in front almost opposite of my room. As if knowing I was staring he slid the curtains and looked up at me. I gasp and turned around . My heart started beating rapidly as if I was caught in a crime. I turned my head again towards the window only to peep but the lights were turned off. I stood still and slid the curtains to close it.

I went downstairs to check on dinner but no one except Fareed was their obviously. He crossed his legs while keeping them flat on top of the centre table. The TV was turned on but he was just smiling while typing on his phone. He laughed at something and I sneaked around after realizing he didn't notice my presence. I went right behind him and raised my hands. Smiling and ready to take action when he cut me off by saying. "Don't even try it " Dammit! He just had to spoil the fun. My smiley face fell and I frowned. I stood up right and hopped on the soft sofa.

"Why?!" I ask.

"Hmmmm?" He responded still not taking his eyes off his phone.

"Why did you have to know?!"

"Because I've known and lived with you for over 15 years duhhh." He looked up at me and rolled his eyes at the mention of 'duhhh'. I frowned and rested on the sofa.

"You are becoming all grown up Fareed! Look at you, your voice is even becoming broader and your hair more messier and longer." I remarked with a smile plastered one my face. Finally his smile dropped and he looked up before looking at me making a disgusted face he said. " Ewww Gross I'm your brother. Ughhhh why would you even say that?" As he was blabbering about that I looked down at his phone to see who he has been smiling and chatting with. I only got a glimpse of the name which read "Bran..." And I turned back to face him.

"I'm serious. Look at you all grown up and all getting matured. You are now handsome Fareed." I smiled and when he looked away for the slightest second I got another coup d'oeil of the full name which read 'Brandon' Ohh. I can't believe I called him 'handsome'. I shuddered annoyed and decided to leave.

"Wait did you just said handsome?" He asked narrowing his eyes and studying me suspiciously.

"Don't get your hopes up cowboy." I rolled my eyes walking away.

"Cowboy?"  Eww I called him handsome.... Not to self! Never lie again!

"Yeah? Cowboy."

"Oh no... Never call me cowboy again."

"Why. Got a problem with it? Cowboy?"

"I promise I'd post that video of yours online. In all my Sofia media accounts tagging you."

"If you do that, I'll report." I narrowed my eyes at him stopping.

"Trust me. All they'll say is.. *clears throat* Fareed! That's very disrespectful. Now tell your sister sorry. And I'll simply turn around and say... 'Sorry...  Cowgirl!"

"Not making a point..."

"The thing is. The video still stands. After I leave I'll answer the following comments that follow." He smiled at the end.

"So like you're threatening me?" I arched my brow and he nodded. After a 3 seconds staring contest between the two of us. I shrugged and hopped upstairs to bed.

"Oh and Neema even asked of a copy. And I wonder how she knew about it if it wasn't for you... Meaning you want me to send it to people. And One thing Amani, you can't sweet talk me like that, that's just gross. Bribe me instead." He freaking said that boldly!! My eyes shoot up and I glared at him.

"Hmph so spoilt. How do you even have the courage to say that? You know I could just report you."

"Can we just get this over with? I have some important stuffs to do." He answered not caring about my little tiny threat.

"Not happening cowboy!"


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