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I smiled brightly at the sound of the alarm. Even though I was still still sleepy, I was also excited for my first day, I mean who wouldn't? Shoving my legs in a different direction than last time, I finally got it right and I stood up still smiling. I hopped to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, took my bath and prayed. After dressing up and taking a good look at myself in the mirror I went to my bed and picked up my phone.

"Should I message her? No way! Calls? Nope, I'll just send today's streaks." I picked my phone and logged into my Snapchat account taking a mirror video while turning the camera around and keeping a tiny lop sided smile. 'Uni gurlll!' It read, I stooped and sent it to my friends I'll view their replies later. I hopped like a small kid downstairs to make breakfast, well of course my breakfast was ready since everyone was leaving early in the morning.

"Assalamualaikum everyone- I mean my familyyyyyyy." I greeted everyone while I kept my bag on the table and taking a sit at the dinning.

"Wa'alaikummusalam Amaniiiiiiii. I thought classes start by nine?" My mum inquired looking at me from head to toe.' you know, just to make sure I dressed in a  halal way '

"Yeah I know. It's my first day and I want to know my way to classes, have a talk to the lecturers and I meant the heads. The rules and regulations...." I stated, trying to remember the rest of the duties I mostly read from the novels I've read so far.

"Ohh. Come on eat up your dad will be taking you." She replied.

"Wait.. I taught daddy's car-" Fareed started. Also getting the hint I got curious to know the answer. My dad cut him off and answered.

"I sent it on cargo weeks before we moved here. Also... My brother helped me to store it in his place, he brought it here late last night." He said and I was entirely surprised. One because I didn't realize my dad's car was Missing for weeks back then. Second because daddy has a brother-

"You have relatives here?" Fareed asked surprised.

"Yes of course. My whole relatives."

"We should invite them over, some day." My mum inquired and my dad nodded taking his last sip and standing up. After he left and I looked at my plate, I only took a couple of bites and I hurried up and finished it.

I saw the heading and I got even more nervous. The watchman at the gates came closer and stood near the window, where my father was. He bent his upper body, placing his hands at the edge of the window.

"I am here to drop my daughter, we came here a week ago."

"Does she have a student ID?" He asked. From his voice you can point out he's entirely strict. For a moment the watchman shifted and looked at me. I froze in place. Realizing all two were waiting for me, I hurriedly went through my bag and pulled out the ID and I gave it to him. The man inspected it closely before handing it back.

"Let them pass" the watchman said in a gruff voice. And that, the gates automatically slid away from each other.

"Why is today's security much tighter?" I asked getting confused.

"Maybe because today's the first day of resumption. I mean... I don't think they want unwanted guest."


It wasn't even a minute since my dad dropped me off and droves away, and I've got even more nervous. Taking in my surroundings and the large buildings. The place doesn't look deserted as I saw students moving in and out of the buildings, some stared and some didn't even bother. I made my way towards the entrance of the building. I stood in place and looked for the main office.

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