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How does wasting time feels like. Well you queue up in a line without asking what you're queueing for until it reaches your turn and you embarrass yourself. I continued to stare at the lecturer who everyone was supposed to submit their assignments too. But little did I know the time for submission had elapsed, I lost 10 marks, I wasted my time, energy in lining and waiting, I got yelled at for making a stupid mistakes, and now I'm sure I've turned red from both anger and embarrassment.

"I'm sorry Sir." I said to him, without waiting for his reply, I walked away from there annoyed at his behavior towards me. And the 'adults' close by only gave a chortle to show their amusement. "People are harsh..." Feeling emotional I felt like crying suddenly. "He should've at least be nice when talking... And he yelled 'get out!' At me"

The tears were about to come and I wanted to hold them in, I might be a grown girl in public loaded with adults but I don't like been treated that way. It doesn't make sense, back in Somali no one has ever tried to be rude to me. I looked up and examined my surroundings, I was close to the mosque and I quickly walked over there knowing fully well there would be a bathroom. I locked myself and allowed my tears to flow. I know it might be pathetic or childish but I can't help it.

A beep vibrate from my phone made me shriek. I used a paper towel kept on the table like area for sitting and performing ablution outside and dappled it in water and onto my face. I checked my phone and saw the messages that just entered. One was from Aazil, I ignored it and checked my face from the reflection of my face. When I was ready to go I made super weird faces with my mouth, eyes, nose and squashed them together when I felt a presence and turned to a girl staring at me weirdly.

I looked at her again and remembered what I was doing and laughed. After 2 seconds she followed and we laughed for half a minute. She dropped her phone and other stuffs she was holding onto the table and adjusted her veil and cleaned a stain from it. "Amani.." I said smiling at her. She turned to me and smiled, ok a fake smile and muttered... "Hadiza"

I nodded knowing she's someone who doesn't looks like she wants to be friends and I walked out of the toilet after one last glance. I brought my bag up and searched for my phone. "Fvckkkk!!" I went back in and saw my phone where I left it and picked it up and heaving a sigh. So I just checked the time table of today for my next class which was not any time soon. The first lectures are still ongoing so I understand.

I strolled the university and stopped to buy myself something to eat and taking a walk. I stopped by a garden where some people occupied. I noticed it was mostly couples, "Yeah ... Nop" I turned on my heels and strolled to another place I could find, I passed through block A and strolled on the walk ways swinging my arms like a child. I met with some people in groups having small talks some sipping on a juice and some using their phones. There was a mini Mart, probably for the hostel kids. I walked in and examined what I could find to drive away my boredom.

It was a small room already occupied by men and ladies, the ladies are short though but I walked passed them and stopped at a rack that I found different kinds of chips. "What are these?... Oh oh oh plaintain made chips! What the fudge?" I picked one each from plaintain to potatoe chips after much deeper thoughts on weather to try them or not. I turned around to the cashier when my eyes sighted the fridge. "The fridge!! How did I not see you!! " I walked over quickly like a child and smiled when I saw small containers of ice cream of different flavors. Well they're not much, only three flavors but they'll do.

"Hold up! Ice cream or those fancy looking popsicles??? " I groaned and closed my eyes and randomly picked when I swinged my arm and it landed on a chocolate ice creamed container. "Hmmph" I shrugged and brought everything to pay. "That'll be 2500" I opened my purse and counted the money I had, I only had 1500 "Miss? Can I transfer? I only have 1500 with me. " She shook her head negative and showed me the sign that boldly wrote 'No transfer' and I arched my brows as to why.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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