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Title: Runner

Genre: Teen Fiction, Adventure, Thriller

Description: "You're going to need your jacket. It gets awfully cold at night." I spun around, my heart skipping a beat. Cameron was leaning against the doorframe with my blue sweatshirt held up in his hand. I scowled at him as I climbed off of the windowsill.

"What are you doing here?" I growled as I stepped towards him, reaching for my jacket. He jerked his hand away and stared down at me with emotionless dark eyes.

"I'm coming with you," he said and I immediately felt the blood rush from my face. What?

"Absolutely not," I argued, reaching againt for my sweatshirt, but he held it out of reach and with his other hand grabbed my wrist. "Let go."

"You won't get far if Cheryl and Joe wake up and find out your gone," he hissed, glaring into my eyes. My eyebrows rose before I clenched my teeth and narrowed my eyes at him, getting his drift.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me." 

A Runner; that's what they call them. You know, the kids who run away from their foster families for one reason or another. For Rory running seems like the only thing she can do. Orphaned when she was nine, Rory has been bouncing around the foster care system for six years, running away from each one of her foster families, whether or not they were abusive. But, when Rory is sneaking out of her most recent foster family's home she gets caught in the act by her foster brother who blackmails her into taking him with her. 


"You're going to need your jacket. It gets awfully cold at night." I spun around, my heart skipping a beat. Cameron was leaning against the doorframe with my blue sweatshirt held up in his hand. I scowled at him as I climbed off of the windowsill.

"What are you doing here?" I growled as I stepped towards him, reaching for my jacket. He jerked his hand away and stared down at me with emotionless dark eyes.

"I'm coming with you," he said and I immediately felt the blood rush from my face. What?

"Absolutely not," I argued, reaching againt for my sweatshirt, but he held it out of reach and with his other hand grabbed my wrist. "Let go."

"You won't get far if Cheryl and Joe wake up and find out your gone," he hissed, glaring into my eyes. My eyebrows rose before I clenched my teeth and narrowed my eyes at him, getting his drift.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me," he dared, his voice dark and daring. I heaved in a breath, warring with myself whether I should take my chances or play it safe and drag him with me. Who knows; maybe I can ditch him once we've gone a mile.

"Fine," I breathed, and he handed me my jacket as his lips almost pulled into a half smile. From behind the door, he grabbed a red backpack that I hadn't seen before and threw it over his shoulder before he took a step towards the open window.

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