The Rose's Shadows

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Title: The Rose's Shadows

Genre: Romance, Werewolf, Vampire, Paranormal, Mystery/Suspense, Historical Fiction, Teen Fiction

Description: Soon to come....


The thunder cracked, whipping the black sky with a flash of brilliant white light. Rain beat against the roof of the old castle that loomed above the haunting forest, water running down the windows, looking like a layer of glaze over the vibrant stained glass. Prince Jasper Hendricks gazed out the large window, watching the rain pelt against the glass. His most faithful servants, Lumiere and Booth, stood behind him, waiting silently and patiently for given orders or requests. The maid, Bonnie, silently dusted the book shelf in the far corner, the only sound she made coming from her heels clicking against the oak wood floor.

There was a heavy pounding knock on the door that startled both servants, waiting to be granted allowance to fetch the unexpected guest, but it never came. Instead, as odd enough as it seemed, Jasper was hasty to spin on his heels and pad down the flights of stairs to the intimidatingly large, dark wooden doors where another knock came. The moment Prince Jasper pulled the door opened, a gust of wind and rain forced itself inside and a flash of lightning was following by tremendous boom.

            “Excuse me, sir?” a weak and hoarse voice called out over the screaming winds. The Prince looked down at the cowering old woman draped in a black shawl, her dim hazel eyes peering out from the shadows. “I’m so sorry to bother you at this hour, but I have no place to go and I was hoping you might grant me protection from the storm by staying in your castle for the evening till the storm passes.” The old woman asked. The prince simply eyed her with disgust, insulted by her haggard appearance.

Jasper scoffed as he attempted to close the door on the begging old woman until her fragile foot prevented from the door to close. The prince, outraged, pulled open the door to shame and curse at the old woman but froze when he felt her eyes piercing him with so much hostility, her moment ago hazel eyes now paralyzing Caribbean blue.

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