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Title: Mirage

Genre: Romance, Other, Adventure

Description: The Lotus Tribe of primal women has lived in piece for generations in the middle of the Sahara Desert, thriving peacefully in their secret oasis. Tala is the tribe's protector and has never met a man worthy to take her hand. Every man she has met has only wanted her for her body, not her heart. But when a man wanders into the village, threatening the tribe and recieves the death sentence, Tala wishes to prove women powerful and test the man's ability to support himself.


I brought the cool water to my lips, savoring its refreshing taste on my tongue. The surface of the pond rippled, distorting my reflection and those of the looming palms. I forced the clay jug under the surface of the reflective pond, the jug becoming heavier every ounce of water it gained. Somewhere behind me, a leopard purred contently, most likely resting soothingly on a branch in the shade. I heaved the jug out of the water and balanced it on my head, supporting it with one hand as I stood and turned back towards the looming oasis canopy, my bare feet welcoming the soft grass as I strolled into the miniature jungle.

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