Staying with You

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Clyde P.O.V: Strange, Nicole didn't assisted to the reunion. Usually, it was also pretty weird not listening to her talk rude and immitate what others do. I had a premonition that she was still brokenhearted, and to not show it, she hide her feelings. I definitely needed to consult Santiago quickly, cause in definition Nicole can't stay like this forever.


Luis P.O.V: I entered home quickly, laying Nicole on my bed. She was feeling terrible, and I could noticed it because of the look on her face. My only question was... did she ate something that contained fat and didn't rested the way it should be?

However, I got her some Lipton soup, a gingerbread hot drink and a Sprite with lemons surrounding it. I smiled at her, helping her sit so she could at least drink a sip of Sprite spreaded by the lemons. Nicole whined a lot when she got to sit, butshe at least drank the sip of the Sprite. She closed her eyes, laying down with her opened mouth. I had the opportunity to touch her forehead and caressed it.

"This is the second day of friendship and you're feeling sick."

"I wanna stay with you, I don't want to see the faces of James and his shitty girlfriend."

"Chiquita, of course you can stay with me, you think I'm able to leave you in this conditions?"


"Of course not! I'd said it once, I won't be able to hurt a divine angel like you."

She looked at me. "That's what you think about me? That I'm a divine angel?"

"It's not a thought, it's a fact. You may feel lonely, but not anymore. I'll be there for you in the good and bad times. I will also help you forget that you're broken, I promise."

I sat in one of my pillows to cuddle Nicole on my lap, she whined a little when I moved her slowly. The pain was understandable, so I quickly placed her head in my lap. I placed my hand once more on her forehead, she was looking up to at me, at the same time she placed her little hand on top of mine. One quote that she trusted me and that she trusted my words.

Suddenly, I heard a crew of water falling, yeah, it was raining and cold at the same time.

"Close the windows!" Nicole complained, shivering in weakness. I stood up to quickly close the windows. Whatever, she was still shivering because of the cold. I couldn't do nothing other than sit her, grab my blanket and lay on my bed.

"Come with me Chiquita." I begged, as Nicole laid very closer to my hip, she was doing even the impossible so she could be warm. I approached her close to me, laying in the same position as her, wrapping my arm around around her. For a sudden, she straighten herself up, whining once more because of her throat.

"I'm gonna be this way." She said.

"Okay, you won't be forced to lay the way you don't want. Besides, health is first."

She smiled at me, closing her eyes to grab a sleep. She did deserve that after having a tough day of sickness. I also did the same thing, as I started caressing her forehead again.

Clyde P.O.V: I kept getting worried about the well-being  of Nicole, in that method, I decided to buy her another detail. My detail this time was going to be a box of chocolates.... oh, I forgot I lent some of my money to Franco and he didn't delivered it back. Usually, it wasn't enough to buy a box of Kisses or another famous brand, but... I couldn't do nothing other than buy her a box of sour chocolates. Somehow, it was the better choice to see the smile on Nicole's face, but an also somehow were the rejects of Santiago, Cookie and Juhn towards me.

I got to the front door to knock it, I saw Cookie opening the door.

"You want something?" She asked holding the door.

"I came here to see Nicole, and to give her this detail now that she didn't accepted the roses." I explained, the same way, Cookie checked the box.

"Sour chocolate? Really?"

"Yes, I didn't had enough money to buy her another brand of chocolate."

"With these type of chocolate you're not convincing my sister. Last time she replied chocolates like those, she threw the box with the half cause it provoked het diarrhea and made her puke. So, sour chocolate aren't allowed in her life. Oh and one detail is that Juhn grabbed the rest of the box , it was the most disgusting moment I ever saw."

"What am I going to do with the box?"

"Take them with you, and stop giving details to Nikki, you just want to bother her."

"I don't want to bother her."

"Yes you do. And you know what? Go away, I don't want to have another argument with you."

Cookie slammed the door in my face, it was another detail that got completely failed. I wasn't going to give up until I conquer Nicole, and that was a promise.

Several hours later....

Luis P.O.V: Many hours had passed, I woke up from a strange dream of Nicole having difficulties to breath. Yeah, it was my head cause I saw her in perfect conditions, sleeping like she was an angel. I decided to wake her up, but she was still sleeping, I couldn't do nothing else than shake her left shoulder. Finally she woke up, stretching herself as she yawned and open her eyes.

"Good morning Chiquita." I said as I helped her remove the the blanket off her skinny legs. "How are you feeling?"

"I think I'm okay now." She responded fixing her hair a little. "Oh, I forgot I don't have reunion today, so I can spend a day freewithout pressure."

She put a smile on her face, the same way, she went to the bathroom so she could get a fix on herself.

Note: Here is chapter 3, and my elbow hurts right now. I'm recovered myself from the heart break situation happening, Finally!

Special thank you to @jayneclaire23 for the photo.

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