Earned Opportunity

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Damian, Rhea, Finn, Dominik, Faith and the rest of Nicole's friends were all gathered for a plan. It was time for Damian to ask Nicole to be his wife. After a long time passed, he finally thought about that, the only think he didn't knew was about how was going to be Nicole's reaction after all this.

Damian and Nicole weren't home, so the people there were organizing a dining table for both. Yeah, they knew Nicole wasn't involved in romantic things, so they made it easy when it came to her. Candles, a bucket with champagne, glass cups, plates and some petals were on top of it.

"Guys...." Dominik spoke. "Does Nick know we're doing this on a romantic way?"

Rhea gave some laughs. "Dom, it's obvious. We're the ones close to both her and Damian, I mean, who else will do something like that?"

"I didn't mean other people; I was just asking."

Faith smiled. "Hey guys. Thanks for having this consideration. I wouldn't imagine both Damian and Nicole without you guys."

Rhea smiled. "It's our way of celebration. Look, here is the box with the marriage accessories. A necklace and a skinny ring for one skinny jewel."

"She's sure lucky." Faith watched through the window. "Oh, here they come! They're sure taking hands."

The four of them got hidden, as they watched how the two loved ones got inside and sat on the table. Chris was laughing, walking towards them, and asking if they wanted something.

"Yeah..." Nicole responded. "I came hungry here, so is there any chicken wings for me."

He smiled. "Alright Nick, it'll be ready in minutes. You want something, Damian?"

Damian shook his head. "No, I'm okay. But thank you."

He left. Nicole was looking around, showing that smile Damian loved. She took a glass and the champagne, also trying to open it, but it was hard... until she succeeds and served a little for herself and for her evil boyfriend.

"You know what?" She interrupted the silence. "I'm not tired of saying to you how much I love you. How much you mean to me.... How much are you special to me."

Damian gave a smile. "And I'm not tired of listening that, listening to that even if people think you're crazy."

"This feels so damn right."

"It is." He stood up. "You still hungry, my Joyita?"

"I know what I ordered takes long, but I don't care. Why? You have something important to me?"

Damian winked at Rhea so she could start recording, as he kneeled and took Nicole's skinny hand.

"Nick, my love, my Joyita. This moment is very important to me, not only because I'm having an organized dinner with you, but it's also because I want you to keep these words in mind. Nick.... Since the first time I saw your eyes, I know you were going to be mine. My purpose of being with you is because you were the one who chose me after having a situation you were broken and forgotten. You are a special, beautiful, and amazing girl who always shows people what she's able for. With your hand on mine and with my heart beating completely, I want you to accept becoming my wife. ¿Qué dices?"

Nicole teared up and hugged him tight. "Yes Damian! I want to become your wife! I want to complete your evil soul! I want to be everything in you! ¡Quiero ser todo en tu vida porque te amo! (I want to be everything in your life because I love you!)"

"Pues yo también te amo, mi joyita preciosa. (Well, I love you too, my precious Joyita.)"

Damian hugged her back, putting her the necklace and the ring. Both smiled and kissed each other, as everyone showed and took them outside so the party could start.

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