Chapter 30

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He paced back and forth, trying to think of where he would have missed stairs to the basement. Plagg was curled up asleep on his pillow, and Adrien shook his head. He couldn't sleep. Not when there was even a slight possibility that Marinette was locked up in the basement. So where would the entrance be? His father's office? They were in there alot. Maybe the stairs were hidden in there. At the very least, Maybe they talked about it. He pulled out Chat's phone, video chatting himself. This way he could see what happened in the office. He didn't own a camera, so he would have to watch the screen all morning.  He slipped out into the hall, making his way down to his father's office. The door was unlocked, so he quickly walked in and closed it behind him. He hid the phone on the bookshelf, pointed at the desk. That was good enough. He started to head back, when he paused. On the desk, was his father's laptop. He knew the password. Maybe there was something on there. He rushed around the desk, opening it and unlocking it. The Screensaver was his mother.

"Sorry mom, I know you weren't a fan of snooping, but under the circumstances I have no choice."

He pulled open his father's gallery, scrolling through the endless design sketches before a particular video caught his eye. It was Chat Noir and Ladybug. He had his back to her, and she leapt off of the eiffle tower. The camera followed her closely, all the way until they reached the cabin. So there was no doubt now. It had been his father's quadcopter. Another clip distracted him, one that had Mayura in it. She was fidgeting with the camera, before giving a satisfied hum. When she moved he could see the cabin. That bitch. So his father Was hawkmoth. And Natalie was Mayura. He deleted the videos, closing out of the gallery to open the cloud storage. He didn't care if they found out he deleted them. He just wanted them gone. He deleted those copies as well, when he heard the unmistakable clicking of Natalie's heels. He closed out of the cloud, his pulse skyrocketing. She would kill him. She would kill him and take his miraculous, and Marinette wouldn't be rescued. He opened the app his father had on his computer to check his grades, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible.

"Shit, shit, shit." He muttered, his entire body tensing as she got closer.

He tried to focus on the screen, holding his breath. He opened up his grades as she opened the door, holding a tray. She was bringing food into the office? At three am?

"Adrien! What are you doing?"

She rushed forward, setting the tray on the desk as she moved to look at the screen.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was checking my grades."

"At three am?"

You're carting around snacks at three am.

"Yeah. I couldn't sleep because I'm worried about Marinette, so I figured that if I did something to keep me busy I wouldn't try to go out looking for her. I was trying to see which of my grades was the lowest, so I could study up on that subject."

She sighed, turning on the desk lamp and closing the lid of the laptop.

"Why didn't you use your own computers?"

"They were lagging."

He got up, his skin crawling at how close she was. At how curious she was.

"Sorry Natalie. About scaring you. I'll figure out something to do."

He shifted around her, his gaze zeroed in on the door. Everything in him told him to book it, but he couldn't. He couldn't act afraid, or uncomfortable. Adrien was an ignorant moron. He had to keep playing that part.

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