Chapter 9: Maxton

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Waking up the morning after the bar, I am so glad that I don't have a hangover. I know I didn't drink too much but it was the situation with Fallon that had completely sobered me up. God, did she ever feel good in my arms. My mind spirals with the way she gripped my hair tightly and released those sexy moans of hers. The way she tasted like strawberries. How she breathlessly said my name when I sucked on the sweet spot below her ear.

My dick begins to grow harder the more I think of her. I grip my shaft tightly with the thoughts of her. Groaning, I make my way to my bathroom and start the shower, putting the temperature to cold. I'm still gripping myself as I step under, the cold not doing much to tame my erection. I rest my head against the tile wall and glide my hand up and down my shaft groaning when I imagine her beautiful plump red lips around my cock. That image alone is what brings me to my release and I cum hard. I keep my head rested on the wall as I try to control my breathing. 

"Fuck" I mutter to myself. 

I quickly wash up before getting dressed and heading downstairs. I'm not surprised when I see that the guys aren't up yet, I mean they got really fucked up yesterday. Checking the time I see that it's 10:30 right now and my eyes widen when I remember that I have a class at 11. I rush to grab my books before driving to the McDonalds nearby and grabbing some breakfast. I instantly feel better after the first sip of my straight black coffee. I'm constantly told that straight black coffee is awful but screw that, they don't know what they're missing out on.

After parking my car in the campus parking lot, I make my way towards my class. I nod to the guys who greet me and give a small smile to the girls who try to get my attention but don't do more than that. If I can ignore everyone I would but I'm going to need people on my side if I want to go pro soon so if I have to act friendly once and I while, I will. I reach my English Lit class in no time and make my way in. I feel the stares from the girls but I pay them no attention as my eyes spot a very familiar looking girl sitting in the middle rows. A small smirk makes it way to my face and I slowly approach her. She's drawing random things in the corner of her book so she doesn't notice me until I take a seat next to her. Her head snaps up and her eyes widen as they lock with mine. God, her eyes. I could get lost in those forever. 

I must have been stuck in my own head because it's her voice that brings me back to reality. "Good morning Maxton." Her soft voice is like music to my ears. 

I grin at her. "A good morning in deed it is now that I've seen you." my grin transforms into a full blown smile as she releases a small chuckle and rolls her eyes at me. I could be mistaken but I think I can spot a small blush on her cheeks. I can't help the feeling of pride I get from that since she seems like a hard girl to impress. 

Before I have the chance to say anything else, the professor waltzes in, earning Fallon's attention. I reluctantly turn away from her and focus on what this middle aged woman is saying. 

"Welcome ladies and gents to English Lit. You all can call me professor McCarm. I know all of you don't have a choice but to be here but I also have no choice when it comes to going to my sons boring soccer games, yet there I am sitting on those cold benches watching a bunch of children running around like chickens." She exclaims with a sigh and the whole class chuckles at her. "What I'm trying to say is that sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do because we have to. So suck it up buttercups and be ready for a year of essays, presentations and lots of Shakespear." Sounds of disapproval fill the classroom and I also don't miss the groan that comes out of Fallon.

 I look at her in amusement and lean him to whisper in her ear. "Don't worry sweetheart, if you need help in this class I will gladly help you whenever." I bring my hand up to make my fingers graze the skin on her shoulder. I can't help but smirk when I feel her body shiver in response. 

I'm taken by surprise when she turns her head towards me and brushes her lips against mine. My dick can't help but react to her closeness. But it's her next words that leave me sporting a full on hard on for the rest of the class. 

"Oh honey, if anyone is going to need help with anything it definitely won't be me. Just ask your dick that's practically suffocating in your jeans."


When professor McCarm dismisses us, everyone packs up and leaves. A few girls call my name but I ignore them and jog out of the room to catch up to Fallon. She practically ran out of the room when professor dismissed us. 

"Fallon" I call out but she doesn't stop walking. "I know you can hear me sweetheart. I'm kind of offended that you're ignoring me you know." When she still doesn't stop, I resort to the next best thing. "If you don't acknowledge me, I'm going to do something that will give you no choice but to stop." Still nothing. Okay, here it goes.

I grab onto her hand and spin her around. I watch as her face goes from annoyed to shocked and embarrassed in seconds as I begin to sing the lyrics to Justin Bieber's song Baby loudly. 

Oh, for you

I would've done whatever

And I just can't believe we ain't together

And I wanna play it cool, but I'm losing you

I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring

I almost break into a fit of laughter as she looks around with wide eyes as more people begin to watch us. Thankfully I manage to keep my cool. I won't stop until she listens to me. And I have to admit that I love watching her get all flustered. 

And I'm in pieces, baby, fix me

And just shake me 'til you wake me from this bad dream

I'm going down, down, down, down

And I just can't believe my first love won't be around

Just to add to the act, I grab her hand and pull her towards me until we're chest to chest. Just as I'm about to sing the chorus, her hand shoots up and clamps my lips together. I raise a brow in challenge as I wait for her next move. 

"Fine. I will listen to what you have to say, just stop causing a freaking scene!" She whisper yells at me and I have to press my lips together to stifle a laugh. She looks so cute when she's mad.


Cute? Oh hell no, I don't call girls cute. What the hell is she doing to me?

She finally releases my lips and I smirk at her. My hand goes to her waist and I instantly feel tingles on my body at our contact. Fuck. There's just something about her that's different from everybody else. And as much as I want to stay away from her, I just can't. 

"You're having dinner with me tonight." I demand, my hand on her waist tightening as she bites on her plump bottom lip. Ugh, the things I can do to those lips.

"That wasn't a question." She says breathlessly as she stares into my eyes.

"No it wasn't." My voice comes out low but firm. Her breathing begins to pick up as I starts rubbing circles on her hip. 

She presses her lips into a thin line and I can see a conflicted look in her eyes. I stay silent as I wait for what she'd say. I honestly don't think I'd be able to handle her saying no. 

Taking a deep breath, she lightly shakes her head and lets out a small chuckle. An unfamiliar feeling takes over me as she looks at me with a beautiful soft smile. "I'm probably going to regret this later but fine. Pick me up at 8." With that, she turns around and walks away, leaving me with excitement and nervousness swarming through me. 

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