16| redemption arc

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5:38 am

You haven't replied to my texts
are you avoiding me? I'm not the one who spilled the drink on you yk

5:49 am


6:57 am

you did not just leave me on read??
say goodbye to your ankles.

"HILARIOUS AREN'T YOU!?" I screamed at my phone clicking off the chat. Baji gasped and opened his mouth to start fighting thinking it was aimed at him until Chifuyu kicked the back of his knee to stop him.

"Aha..haha Y/n, what happened?" The blond switched places with Baji so he would be walking to my right. "Rindou! The audacity that boy got."

"Yea I told you he stinks." Baji added, fumbling with a rock in his hand.

"Y/n! Wait up!" A familiar voice called from behind.

"No mom I told you I too- shit why my mom look like a blond with blue streaks and an ankle fetish?" I inquired as I started fastening my pace and soon enough started sprinting.

Baji and Chifuyu followed up and started sprinting as well.

"A thousand yen for a pass." Hanma aimed a stick at the each of us, he wouldn't let us pass through the school's quickest shortcut without paying the fee.

"Ugh what is this now?" Chifuyu groaned, "How many side hustles does Kisaki have I'm genuinely tired of his shit."

"Kay fine hold on." I sat down on the pavement taking out a piece of paper and stealing a pen from Baji's pocket.

Baji stifled a laugh peeking at what I was doing.

"Alright aaand I'm done," I got up handing a sheet of paper with a shitty drawing of Kisaki and '3000 yan' written on it to Hanma. He examined it then started laughing like goofy from Mickey Mouse once again before making way for us.

"Didn't think this scam would actually work, look Kisaki we're rich now!" Baji snorted after hearing Hanma and resumed running and so did we.


The last bell rang and the classes ended. Ueno kept glaring daggers at the back of my head throughout the whole day which didn't really bother me since all I kept thinking about was the story she posted of her with a catfish filter that was terribly glitching.

"Come on Y/nn, he's not here I cleared the corridors." Baji reassured. I've been avoiding any Rindou throughout the day as well.

"Alright." I walked out followed by Emma, Hina and Baji. Chifuyu was called in by the librarian to cover during the last free class as a part of his club duties.

"Oh my god Y/n! I forgot to tell you, I got a job at the local McDonald's." Emma tightened the straps of her backpack. "The pay's really well too."

We all congratulated her and conversed about our clubs and activities and everything until we dropped Hina at her club, then Emma left with Draken for her shift. It was pretty convenient for the both of them since Draken's workplace was close to hers.

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