20| bussy bus

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"Alright! Everybody grab a seat and try your best to not behave like the zoo animals you are!" Our teacher warned before allowing everyone on the bus.

"Y/n." Baji slid next to me. "Did you pack everything you need?"

"Hmm, I think so."

"I have a secret." He whispered.

"Good for you." I whispered back. "If you don't want me to go insane, don't tell me what it is." I pat his shoulder. Last minute packing should definitely stay off my list in the future.

"Okay." He pat my shoulder back and nodded firmly. "I will make sure you do not go insaner than you already are."

"I appreciate it Baji Keisuke." I nod firmly.

"Thanks L/n Y/n."

"You guys are so weird." Kazutora sighed behind us, "and why's the line taking longer than it should?"

"We should have gone on the other bus." I sighed but moved forwards as it was almost our turn in the bus, it seemed that there was only one more window seat.

"Hmm." Kazutora hummed looking at the bus windows. "Sometimes, you need to make necessary sacrifices Y/n." He joined my left side and rested his hand on my shoulder.

"Sacrifices...like what exactly?" I turned my head to face him. He sighed and shook his head, "sacrifices like this." He pushed me back and got on the bus before me.

"DUDE, oh my god can you belie-" I looked to my right, Baji already passed me too. Both of them were in on this.

I threw an internal fit before boarding the bus, it was hella packed but as I made my way further back, I spotted an empty seat next to Kisaki, but for some reason there was a bear trap next to him.

I looked around quickly and it seemed to find an empty seat, it'd take a while so I just decided to pray for my safety and sit next to Kisaki.

"Ahah hey Ki-" an arm grabbed mine and took me a row back. "Rindou!" This could've been the first time I was excited to see chicken little in the flesh. "You can sit next to me peasant, Haru you wouldn't mind sitting with Kisaki would you?" He turned to the blond who returned a sickly sweet smile, "Yes, I would very much mind sitting next to that shit face, now shut up," he spat then glanced at me and waved, "hi Y/n!" He waved.

"Hi Sanzu." I waved back.

"Sanzu," Rindou laughed a scoff out, this was getting awkward but thankfully looking back, I saw Kakucho waving his hand at me, what a life saver.

"Thanks filth dog but I'll sit with Kakucho, save Sanzu the mental torture!" I waved and headed three seats back in the middle lane where Kakucho was. To his right on the third seat, was Izana.


"No, I was the one ordering the monkeys to fall dead." Izana tried convincing us but it was to no avail.

"Izana, I mean not to question your powers at all but the monkey was literally paralyzed." Kakucho said trying to knock some sense into his friend who was sounding a bit too delusional.

"What would you know? I'm sure it dropped when it saw their greatest ancestors through my eyes." He grinned evilly.

"Not at all Izana, it was as clear as day the monkey fell limp because of the tranquilizer and not from your," Kakucho calmly air quoted, "monkey ancestor look."

"I miss when you were an obedient dog Kakucho, now you act like a stray." He dramatically sighed leaning back into his seat.

"I'm glad at least the dog got common sense." I joked, me and the two weren't the closest but we've been pretty friendly ever since the lunch period that got me detention and after speaking for the past hour, we've gotten to the stage where you could joke around with each other.

It seemed pretty abnormal from the sight of Kakucho's face every time Izana would chuckle or disguise it as a cough so I took it as a sign he didn't mind my company or me talking with them and just that him laughing was a rare instance.

"Anyway, I thought you guys were building a dynasty or something not an...animal kingdom." I mumbled the last part, munching on a cookie Izana gave me while finishing the level of the game in my hands.

"No L/n," he frowned and shook his head disapprovingly. "That's a naive mindset that could only belong to a mere peasant like you, and it does not suit me." He crossed his arms.

"Guess so." Kakucho tilts his head towards me and notices the console in my hands, "may I ask what you're playing?"

"It's like a game where You play as a single deadbeat parent and like abandon and not feed your kid and stuff, wanna try?" His face looks concerned and he hesitates but nonetheless takes the console I held out to him. I spare Izana a glance, asking if he'd like to try too.

"Nah, not into that wacky shit. I experienced it first hand." He covered his eyes with a blindfold and got comfortable.

"Alright..." I mumbled to myself returning back to my original position and whispered to the boy next to me. "Izana looks like he'd play Sudoku."

Kakucho seemed to think about it for a while as he played the game, "I don't think so. He's really smart but not when it comes to games." He whispered the last part thankfully inaudible to his friend.

"I hope that's a good thing Kaku." His friend mutters.

"Mhm, It is."

"It so isn't." I whispered to him as I held in a snicker.

"He doesn't need to know." He leaned in, eyes still on the game as he held back a laugh.

A few minutes passed and Izana seemed to have fallen asleep while Kakucho was still playing the game.

"The person who made this game is really messed up." He grimaced at the screen that displayed the following: "[Throw the child across the room and spit out profanities never heard before: free!] Or [Kiss the child goodnight and promise to be a better parent: 35 gems.]"

"Yeah really really messed up." You witness Kakucho almost shedding a tear as he picked the free option.

"I wish you weren't broke." He sighs looking at my online wallet with only 6.20 gems in it.

"Yeah me too." I purse my lips feeling somewhat ashamed of my economic status in the game.

"But personally, I wouldn't let my parent fling me across the room like that."

Kakucho just sighs, not even bothering to look surprised. "Like I'd stand up and go to my room." Izana snorted in an attempt to cover a laugh, "twin."

"I don't think child has a room anyway." The scarred boy says and goes back to the game, watching ads so he could collect gems and pick the option where the parent shows basic human decency.

"Oh my god you're right. Poor child."

"Forget the room, the child doesn't even have a name." Izana chimes in glancing at the screen with the blindfold in his hand.

Kakucho seems to just notice and it causes him to put both his hands and tighten his grip on his head in disbelief.

"Child, this is gonna take a while but I promise I'll make you happy."


ahah hey🧍‍♀️

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