Trouble in Obsidia Castle

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Mia, Obsidia Castle

Kirito told her, Arthurio, and Brunhild the complete story of what happened since Mia left the empire. Two days ago, just hours after her master left for the northern empire, Kirito and the Unification Council were notified of a goblin arrested for murder. The case was immediately handled by Kirito, Ronie tagging along, and they headed to the barracks of the southern Centorian guard. After hearing testimonies, Kirito determined there must be foul play, as the murder weapon itself was missing despite being collected as evidence and placed in the office's armory.

What makes Kirito believe the mountain goblin did not commit the murder is that the darkworlders adhere to a similar ruling power to the Taboo Index, the Law of Power. When traveling from the dark realm to the empire, travelers are to swear on the emperor and supreme commander's names to adhere to the empire's laws. To break that is just like breaking the Taboo Index for the empire's residents, and Mia has seen two cases of what leads to, Iskahn being one of them.

Losing her right eye sounds painful, but to have it burst on its own...she shivers at the thought.

That brings Kirito and Ronie here to the Dark Territory, and what Iskahn told them. It's no secret the mage's guild, the sect that Brunhild belongs to, has not been very supportive of the new emperor and his rules. Jaymes forced them into submission much more harshly than the giants and goblins (a simple trial of combat got their tough-earned allegiance). The imperials believed the mages might be involved because of the bad duplication and disappearance of the goblin dagger. The suspect said the blade isn't real, or else a clan's mark would be present.

The current head of the guild is Kay Yu Vee, Brunhild's older sister. Brunhild doesn't boast it, but despite her sister's standing, the younger is certainly stronger. It's probably the reason Jaymes keeps her close; her physical cuteness and shy personality have long been factored out. Because of it, Brunhild has been left out of the guild's inner affairs. It's no secret between the supreme commander, the emperor, and the emperor's circle think that Kay might just be a proxy for forces greater in power than her.

So with nothing settled between the representatives of the two worlds, the subject turned to Brunhild's report of her inability to sense the emperor. She immediately consoles their shock by saying that the sensation wasn't like he died, but 'a suddenly cut off presence rather than a fading one.'She explains that when he left his realm after returning Mia, he asked her to keep an on his Life, and she's done so passively since. So when it suddenly cut off this morning, she thought it was her fault, yet no matter how she conjured the spell, she couldn't find her emperor again.

Kirito eventually calmed down, but it was obvious he was concerned; to take his mind off of the many different things they talked about, Iskahn suggested they head to the training hall of the knights Sheyta trains, including Arthurio.

After the conversation, the imperial guests were treated to a bath and rest in the guest chambers, then treated to an afternoon lunch and a carriage ride through the capital city, Obsidia. Mia, as the direct representative of Jaymes, tagged alone but kept quiet the entire time they were in the city. Her only question came during a conversation between Sheyta and Ronie about the knight's missing blade and the trainee's new sword, a Divine Object just like Mia's bow.

Once back at the castle, the supreme commander and the ambassador plenipotentiary (Sheyta's other job as the empire's representative) led them back up to the forty-ninth floor where their chambers, the guest chambers, and the emperor's chambers are all located. In all her teasings with Jaymes, she never considered that running into Iskahn and Sheyta might be possible, but so far, it hasn't happened. Then again, most times they're already in his chambers, either talking or quietly enjoying the company a master and apprentice can provide.

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