Revenge of the First Children

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"You may...have killed me...and Noxium and Stella...but you haven't won a single bit. No,'ve already lost..."

Outside the cathedral, Asuna removes her rapier from Eva's dead body. Exhausted from her fight, she knows time is of the essence, with no time to rest. She barely managed to defeat Eva alone, and the woman's last words don't digest well for Asuna. What did Eva mean by "they already lost?"

Turning her head to the cathedral's upper levels, Asuna can feel a dangerous presence at the top of the tower that had just appeared. It must be Primus, previously hidden by Eva's barrier. Bending down, she feels her legs crackle with lightning and sprints, creating a sparking trail up the outer walls of the cathedral...


The barrier Eva erected beyond the eightieth floor has fallen, and Kirito doesn't waste a moment. He races up the stairs from the garden, practically flying at the fastest controllable speed possible towards the ninety-fifth floor.

Bursting through the doors that is the entrance to the Morning Star Lookout, Kirito skids to a stop on his feet as he scans the lookout for Primus. He finds the golden knight seated at the northern end, cross-legged on the edge of the lookout. "Primus!"

"'You're late,' the rabbit tells Alice," Primus says, halting Kirito's steps with a passive tone. Does he not know Eva has fallen? The woman he loves has been killed, and Primus merely sits in place, his golden back to Kirito. "You have no tricks, and time has run its course. You live...and so does the Crimson Warrior."

"You lied to me."

"I did not lie. I told you that I would let your family and friends live if you killed him. You deceived yourself by thinking Suguha was here. I guess I did lead you on, so for that, you'll have to forgive me."

"...Eva is dead. Why are you so calm?"

Primus shrugs and holds out a red crystal in his left hand. It seems familiar to Kirito, but he cannot place it anywhere. "I know that, but she knew it could come to it. We said all we needed to say to one another before her fight. But I can't speak much for the Dark Territory. I know my sister and Noxium are dead, but without Falchion, your friend is nothing but another swordsman. He must be severely weakened. So is Asuna." He moves the crystal closer to his face and crushes the stone. "So you see, there's no need to be irate. The war is not over."

Kirito's ears twitch, and he looks to his left, where Asuna appears from the outer parts of the lookout. She must have scaled the wall as he and Alice did years ago, but differently...hopefully. She walks towards Kiirto, her sword glinting on the candle-lit floor. "What did you do?"


"Eva said we lost to them. Again, Primus, what did you do?"

Primus chuckles and slowly stands up. His laughter slowly becomes more maniac as he assumes an erect posture and turns to the duo. "She's right! You may have defeated them, you murderers, but justice is still on my side! All we wanted was to assume our rightful place, but you three, Administrator, this entire damn world is unfixable."

Kirito shakes his head. "There were better ways to try to fix-"

"Try? No, Kazuto Kirigaya, there was no better way for you to try! Did you look for better ways when you slayed Administrator? No. No, you defied her rule, her law, all because you thought what you were doing was right. So I shall be no different. She destroyed the world set by my mother, and you destroyed hers. Correcting the sin means starting anew, and I shall."

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