Luminous and Burning Swords

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"Medina!" Eydis watches as Medina's body is thrown towards the entrance to the throne room, her body limply dropping to the floor. Without hesitation, Eydis arms herself with the Dark Slash Sword, her red eyes trained on Stella while placing herself between her and Medina's distant location. Once she's satisfied, she speaks to the other woman standing. "Ilia."

"On it." Glad the apprentice knight understands the command, Eydis waits until the doors to the throne room open and shut close before doing anything that could lead to harm to Medina or Ilia. Once she hears the soft thud of the doors shutting, she disposes of all other thoughts, single-minded in her solo fight against Stella.

"This time, I'll make sure you're dead."

"Don't you sense what's happened outside? Your beloved emperor's life is fleeting. Yet you choose to stay here to protect the one who betrays your friendship?"

Eydis shakes her head. "I know Medina and Jaymes. You can stop with the indoctrination, it won't work anymore."

Stella sighs and holds up her double-sided spear, giving it a twirl. "Very well then, knight. An emperor has fallen, so shall his empress." Stella grunts as she spins into her attack on Eydis. Eydis finds her opponent has some speed and agility that the knight herself doesn't, but it isn't something she hasn't faced before. The only challenge is that the spear has blades on both ends instead of one, but the result is the same. Eydis could easily disarm Stella if she wanted to, but this fight is no longer about winning and losing.

It's personal.

A month ago, Eydis was sent on a mission to the northern kingdom to investigate a disturbance. It took her to the Windcutter's Ridge, close to the location where the Bruised King and the source of the bluethorn illness would eventually be presented. There, Eydis was ambushed by Stella, struck with her weakening ability laced on an arrow. Noxium and Eva would warp her mind, but Eydis held out for as long as possible. Being told how Jaymes sent Alice away or the various truths about the Underworld that she didn't already know, like the Synthesis Ritual, never turned her allegiance. They tried using her Bercouli and Administrator taking her away from her sister centuries ago against her. As much as she struggled against the torture, she held on, believing that soon someone would worry about her and come for her. Be it Medina, Jaymes, or both of them, she believed they'd come.

That was until Primus took her to the Forbidden Forest.

There, moments after the Reaper was defeated, he showed her Jaymes and Medina together. The man she loves and the woman she loves almost equally were together after six months apart...and that broke her mind. They did not come for her. They did not seem worried for her. She couldn't tell what they were speaking of, but it didn't look like one part of that subject was about her.

That darkness clouded her mind until she found herself on the ground in the forest outside of Rulid, with Medina shouting at her. She was confused and disoriented, but she's seen all that the darkness inside her had done, including her battles with Medina and Jaymes. She felt it creeping back up quickly, so as quickly as she could, she tried to warn Medina of the First Children's scheme to steal Falchion, but it was too late.

She'd fight Ilia, Mia, and Medina in the southern desert, then Medina's ability freed her mind as she's sure it did for Jaymes. Eydis knows she has a lot to amend with the Human Empire, and she fully plans to accept whatever punishment she gets for her betrayal. But first, she has to win this fight.

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