PT. 11_cookies?

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Sakura's POV

I woke up and the door bursts open.

Yuyan: Kura! Wake up. We have to go to the company. Pd nim said he has something to tell us.

Sakura: Ok.
I took a shower and put on my make up.

We went in the car and our manager drove us to the company

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We went in the car and our manager drove us to the company. We went to the meeting room and saw Park Pd nim. We bowed to Pd nim and sat down. I was the leader so I had to sit beside Pd nim.

Pd nim: So as you know I have called you here to tell you guys something.

Sakura: Yes.

Pd nim: We will have to wait for awhile. More people are coming-
Someone knocked on the door.

Pd nim: Come in.
Jungwon oppa came in with the members behind him. They bowed to Pd nim and sat down. Jungwon oppa sat in front me.

Pd nim: So you guys might be wondering why I called both groups here. Well you all know MAMA is 2 months. I was thinking a collaboration stage with Enhypen and Royalz. Are you guys ok with it?

Enhypen/Royalz: Yes Pd nim.

Pd nim: Ok. Everyone can leave. Oh except for Sakura.
Everyone left.

Sakura: Why did you want me to stay?

Pd nim: I've seen your Instagram. Are you ok? I know you have serious anxiety.

Sakura: I'm a little upset but I'm ok.

Pd nim: Ok. Just checking. You can go now.
I went out of the meeting room.

Niki: What did he say?

Sakura: It's nothing. See you later?

Niki: Ofc. I'll go to your apartment.
I went to my practice room and saw my members.

Shannon: What happened?

Sakura: It's nothing. Let's practice.

Time skip

We went back to the apartment.

Sakura: Goodnight eonnies.

All: Goodnight maknaeya.
I went inside.

I showered and changed into an oversized hoodie. Someone knocked on the door and I opened it.

Riki: Hi.

Sakura: Hi. I have the ingredients. Let's bake.
If you are wondering what is happening. It's me and Riki's frienniversary (Friend anniversary). It was the day we met in the lift. We bake cookies every year. This year is the first year since Riki went to Korea.

Riki: What cookies are we making?

Sakura: Macha and chocolate chip cookies.

Time skip

I was making the macha dough while Riki was making the chocolate dough. He suddenly poked my cheek and laughed.

Sakura: Why?
I looked at myself on my phone screen.

Sakura: Yah.
I also put flour on his face. At this point we are fighting with flour. Suddenly the door opened and I froze because I didn't tell any of the members we were meeting in my apartment.

Junkyu: Kura ya!

Sakura: Yah yah get down.
I whispered to Riki and he bent down behind the counter.

Junkyu: Hey Kura.
Haruto, Jungkyu, Yedam, Junghwan, Jaehyuk and Jeongwoo oppa came.

Yedam: What are you baking?
Riki slowly crawled behind the dinning table while they were busy looking at me.

Sakura: Macha and chocolate chip cookies.

Haruto: You aren't baking with Riki?

Sakura: No. He's busy. I said I would give him some cookies.

Jaehyuk: But we saw enhypen looking for Niki earlier.
I sighed.

Sakura: Aish. Riki!
He stood up properly.

Riki: Hehe hi.
I pulled him out of the house.

Enhypen: Niki! Where were you?!

Sakura: Sshh. We have neighbours you know. Come in.
They came in and sat down on the couch with the treasure members. Me and Riki continued baking.

Time skip

I put down the tray of cookies and milk.

Sakura: There you go. That batch is for you guys. The next batch is for me and Riki. Which I will bring to the company tomorrow.

All: Thank you Kura and Niki.
I sat with them and we talked.

Heeseung: Don't you guys think it's so sudden that pd nim wants to do that thing for MAMA?

Jungwon: Right? Royalz just debuted. It's so sudden.

Junkyu: What is it?

Sakura: We can't tell you.

Junkyu: Tell us.

Sakura: We can't.

Junkyu: Fine. You're not my favourite in Royalz anymore.
He sulked

Sakura: Eyy~ I know that isn't true. You can't resist me oppa.

Junghwan: Wahh the cookies are delicious.

Sakura: Try dip it in the milk. It's better.
They all tried it.

Jay: Wahh it really is better.
The door opened and all of us look at the door in sync

Yuyan: Kura ya! I'm hungry. Do you have ramyeon? Our dorm ran out of ramyeon.
She still hasn't look at us since she was taking off her shoe. She just came back from staying at the studio in the company.

Yuyan: Aish this girl. Kura ya!-
She paused and look at all of us. She bowed.

Yuyan: H-hello.

Sakura: Hi eonnie. I can cook you something.

Yuyan: No. It's ok I'll cook for myse-

Sakura: No. You must be tired from staying in the studio. Sit down. I'll cook some ramyeon for you.
I pulled her to the couch and I cook some ramyeon.

Sakura: Eonnie the ramyeon is done.
I let her eat at the dinning table so she wouldn't feel awkward with the boys and I stayed with her so she wouldn't feel lonely.

They all finished eating and were going back home.

Junghwan: Bye Kura. Thx for the cookies.
The treasure members left.

Heeseung: Bye Kura. Pls bake more cookies for my birthday.

Sakura: Ok. I sure will oppa. Bye.

Riki: Bye Sakura.
Enhypen left.

Yuyan: Thx for the ramyeon. See you tomorrow.

Sakura: Eonnie. Pls don't tell the others.

Yuyan: I won't. I promise.
She left and I went to sleep.

To be continued...

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