PT. 22_Concert

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Sakura's POV

I woke up and did my morning routine.

We went to the company with manager nim for awhile

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We went to the company with manager nim for awhile. I saw pd nim.

Pd nim: You already know the plan?

Sakura: Riki will propose, I will act, Minji might ask the eonnies for help but they will show the truth.

Pd nim: Very good.
We went to the concert venue. We made sure to wear our masks and bucket hat. We sat on our seats.

Time skip

Jungwon: Thank you for today engenes.

Riki: I hope we get to see you soon. So hopefully we will get more concerts. Also there's a special person I want to call up on stage-

Minji: I'm here.

Riki: Sakura. Please come on the stage.
I went on the stage and acted confused.

Riki: Sakura... Will you marry me?

Sakura: Yes.
We both hug each other.

Minji: Stop the act. I know this is fake. Your members told me everything Sakura. It's not a love marriage so the agreement is still on. Unless... You wanna prove to me you both are in love.
I looked at the eonnies. Yuyan eonnie looked so confused but the others were smirking. I couldn't believe them. I cupped Riki's face and kissed him. I pulled away.

Sakura: I'm not gonna hide in the shadows anymore. I'm tried of people not taking me seriously.

Minji: Yea cause you're so f*ing toxic.
I wanted to punch her but Riki lifted me onto his shoulder.

Riki: Ok. Show's over. Bye engenes.
We went backstage.

Sakura: Yah I'm wearing a dress.
He put me down and opened his arms, meaning he's asking if I want a hug. I hugged him.

Time skip

We went to the company and went to the meeting room.

Pd nim: Congratulations on the marriage. And it's a mission success.

Sakura: Pd nim. Could I leave the company?

Pd nim: Sure but why?

Sakura: My members almost made us fail the task. I wanna sign with YG.

Pd nim: If that's what you want then ofc you can. The wedding date is between you and your parents.

Riki: Ok. Thank you for letting us date in the first place.

Sakura: And thank you for letting us do this. It will really protect our family.
We both bowed.

Pd nim: It's nothing. Now go home and rest. Riki and Kura you both can live to talk to your fans. I'll give you permission.
We went to the apartment.

Sakura: You guys go first. I wanna go to the river for awhile.

Riki: I'll go with you.
We went to the river and sat down.

Sakura: Wahh it's so breezy tonight.

Riki: Should we do a live for the fans?

Sakura: Sure. Let's go to my apartment.
We went to my apartment and set up our phones for live. I turned on my phone for Royaltyz and Riki turned his on for engenes.

Riki: Hi Royaltyz and engenes.

Sakura: Hi.

Riki: We turned on our live to tell you, if you weren't at the concert. We're engaged.

Sakura: This isn't an arranged marriage. We both really love each other-
There was banging noises on rhe door.

Minji: Open the door you freak!
I changed my password again since something went wrong. I didn't tell anyone else except for Treasure and Enhypen. I decided to lie.

Sakura: Sorry that's my neighbours. They have been fighting. Thank you if you want to support us. If you are against it then too bad.
I saw the difference in the comments with engenes and royaltyz. My phone had a lot of hate comments but Riki's phone had a lot of encouraging and supporting comments.

Riki: That's all for today. Thank you.

Sakura: Wait um. Royaltyz. This is my last live with all of you. Goodbye for good.
We turned off our lives.

Sakura: I'm taking a shower.

Riki: Can I stay here for awhile?

Sakura: Ofc.
I  took a shower and changed into my oversized hoodie. I went out of the restroom and saw Riki on the bed. I lay beside him.

Sakura: You're so lucky.

Riki: Why?
He looked at me.

Sakura: You have so many people supporting you.
I looked him in the eye.

Riki: You're right. I'm lucky. I have 6 older hyungs that take care of me, a fandom that supports me and you do too Sakura. You just focus on the bad things about yourself and what other people say about you that you don't see how kind, beautiful, talented, strong and lovable person you are. You have 19 boys who can and will protect you physically but if we don't know what's happening in your heart and brain, we won't be able to protect you mentally.
I hugged him.

Sakura: I love you.

Riki: I love you too.
He kissed my forehead. I look at him.

Sakura: Do you have a break next month?

Riki: Yup why do you ask?

Sakura: Let's visit our parents.

Riki: Ok.

Sakura: Do you have work tomorrow?

Riki: No. We get a day off because of the concert.

Sakura: Let's go on a date.

Riki: Where do you wanna go?

Sakura: Anywhere. As long as I'm with you.

Riki: Ok.
He chuckled.

Sakura: Kiss?
He pecked me on the lips. We both fell asleep.

Haruto's POV

Jungwon: Do you know where Kura and Niki went? We can't find them anywhere.

Haruto: Did you check her room?
I followed them to Sakura's apartment. I put in the password and went in. I went in her room.

Haruto: See. They're here.
We saw Riki and Sakura cuddling each other.

Jay: Let's give then some privacy.

To be continued...

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