PT. 23_Lotte world

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Sakura's POV

I woke up to Riki staring at me.

Sakura: Good morning.

Riki: Good morning Kura.

Sakura: You should go take a shower.

Riki: Ok. Remember we have a date today.
He went to his dorm. I took a shower and put on my make up.

I went out of my apartment

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I went out of my apartment. I saw the eonnies walk out of their dorm.

Hyuri: Kura.
I ignored them and walked away. I went to Enhypen's dorm. I was about to knock but I saw Haruto.

Haruto: Hey lil sis. Are you doing anything today?

Sakura: I actually am. Why?

Haruto: Aw. We wanted to have dinner with you. What are you doing?

Sakura: I'm going out with Riki.

Haruto: Ooo. A date? Wahh you both are really grown up. Well I gotta get going. Bye.

Sakura: Bye.
I knocked on the door and Sunghoon oppa opened the door.

Sakura: Hi.

Sunghoon: He's still getting ready. Do you wanna wait inside?

Sakura: Sure.
I sat on the sofa and looked at my phone.

Sunoo: Hey Kura. Waiting for Niki?

Sakura: Yup.

Jungwon: Where are you two going?

Sakura: I don't know. Hopefully my outfit is appropriate for whatever we are gonna do.

Riki: I got tickets to lotte world.

Sakura: Ok. Let's go.

Time skip

Riki: Let's go ride the ferries wheel..
He pulled me to the ferries wheel. We sat down. I took pictures of the view.

Riki: You wanna go anywhere else?

Sakura: No but do you wanna eat?

Riki: No. I'm still full from lunch.

Sakura: Ok. Then we'll go home after this.
We got off after awhile.

Sakura: Let's go home.
We walked to the exit. I saw a girl who looked about 15? She was being followed by a man. She looked scared and anxious so I decided to help. I walked to her.

Riki: Where are you going?

Sakura: Hey girl. Where were you? I was looking for you.
I put my hand around her shoulder.

Girl: U-um I was looking for you too.
I saw the man go away.

Sakura: Hey. You okay? Why are you here alone?

Girl: My 'friends' left me alone. I have never went out by myself without parents before so I don't know where to go. I wanted to call my mother but my phone's battery is low.
She qouted friends.

Sakura: Ok um. Do you know your mother's phone number?

Girl: It's ***** *****

Sakura: What's your name?

Girl: Aeri.
I called the number.

???: Hello?

Sakura: Hello? Is this Aeri's mother?

Ar's mom: Yes who is this?

Sakura: My name is Sakura. Aeri's friends has left her alone in Lotte world. She doesn't know where to go. Could we send her home?

Ar's mom: Could you put her on rhe phone?
I gave Aeri the phone and she talked to her mother. She gave me the phone.

Ar's mom: Thank you so much Sakura. I'll come to Lotte world to pick her up.

Sakura: Ok. I'll wait with her.
She hung up.

Sakura: Let's go.
We went to the pick up point and waited. After awhile, a car came and Aeri stood up. A lady came out of the car.

Aeri: Eomma.

Ar's mom: Thank you again for helping Aeri.

Sakura: It's nothing. We'll  get going now.

Aeri: Thank you.
She bowed.

Sakura: It's the girl code. It's no problem
We both bowed and walked away.

Sakura: Sorry, I really wanted to help her.

Riki: It's ok. You did the right thing not ignoring the scene.
He put his arm around me. We went home. I took a shower and went to sleep.

To be continued...

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