34.Protect The Coven

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Soon enough you're standing silently to the side as your grandmother and Laveau confront the witch hunters, dressed in a suit and disguised by a fedora and shades, the axe man stood off to your right, part of you wondered how you'd got here, supporting some of the people you'd come to hate most over the last few months, but every time that thought came to mind it was immediately dispelled by the rage developed from the betrayal of the people you loved most. The people who'd separated you from Madison.

Eventually you tune back into the important conversation occurring in front of you.

Fiona: I need a drink... Waiter, martini please, filthy

The hunters look to her with disdain as she looks to Laveau.

Fiona: You want something?

Laveau: Oh, Sprite... Diet Sprite!

Fiona: How about you Y/N?

Y/N: Scotch on the rocks thanks... And hell, a rum and coke to wash it down, thanks bud

They look to you with that same disdain with which they eyed your grandmother and you smirk with glee. Meanwhile the head hunter speaks up.

Lead Hunter: In every negotiation-

Laveau: A negotiation? Listen up white devil, we sittin' here outta kindness and generosity, more than your son showed the innocent people he gunned down on my shop

Lead Hunter: Collateral damage...

Your fist clenched at the thought of innocent lives taken and the man responsible, your grandfather, feeling no remorse. Growing up you may have seen Hank rarely but you never saw your grandfather.. 

 You'd heard about him, seen pictures, spoken on the phone a couple times when you were younger, but never met him, and you never wanted to, not seeing him was your normality, you were happy with that now, let's just say your first impression wasn't great. 

When you eventually zoned back into the world around you it became clear tensions were rising, as well as that you were down two drinks, maybe you have a drinking problem huh-

Lead Hunter: This document is signed by every director in this room, it calls fora 100 year truce. No witch hunting of any kind, until all of us who can die are long dead, this is the end. We give up

You hear the door lock and your eyes flash with realisation looking to the axe man, as the conversation continued you mentally readied for the battle to come, the plan was in motion.

Fiona: Here's my other offer... You can all just die

At that moment you shut your eyes tight and prepared and with the signal having been given you slipped the knife out from your pocket and rushed behind one of the hunters, slitting his throat in a flash, at that moment chaos erupted, you and the axe man taking out 4 men each, slight assists coming from the pair of witches you accompanied. Eventually only your grandfather remained, casually pouring himself tea.

Lead Hunter: Well played

Fiona laughed, preparing an ever snappy retort.

Fiona: You Harvard men, charming to the end...

Lead Hunter: Yale, actually. You know, killing us won't put an end to this war

Laveau: Maybe, baby, but it's so much fun to watch it happen...

She clinks his teacup with her lemonade and saunters away.

Fiona: Any last words?

He spits at your grandmother's feet.

Lead Hunter: Go to hell, witch bitch

He lifts his head, presenting his throat.

Fiona: Y/N, you wanna take care of the bastard?

His eyes shoot open hearing your name.

His peace with death disrupted.

Y/N: Nah, you can do the honours Fiona

You throw her the axe and she thrusts it quickly into his neck, as the blood gushes out your posse begins to banter and revel in the success, you opt to step out quickly, only delaying to stop first at his dying body, spitting at his feet. With that you strut out, not remotely eager to join the celebrations. 

Y/N: Right back at you ya prick

Hours later you lie on your bed in darkness, sleep was now far off dream as you sunk into a deep sadness. The vital part of your puzzle was missing and you couldn't deal with it. You were pulled out of this slum with a voice, Kyle's voice.

Kyle: Y/N...

You looked to the door to see your best friend hand in hand with Zoe, an slight smile growing on their lips. you look back up to your ceiling and shut your eyes.

Zoe: We've got a surprise for you Y/N, kind of a big one

Y/N: I'm not intereste-

'I think you are cupcake'

Your eyes shoot open and you sit up to face the door, there you see the one thing that keeps you going, your one true love, the girl of your dreams, Madison fucking Montgomery.

The movie star, live and in living colour.

Male Reader x Madison- AHS CovenWhere stories live. Discover now