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The morning started like this.


With one sweep, the curtains were swept aside in one stroke allowing the bright summer sun to enter the quiet and shaded room and light up all the corners. The light shone on the fluffy bed filled with soft toys of all sizes and shapes, the silk pillows and quilts in a playful pink and purple color and a suspicious looking lump in the center of thee bed. The lump started to wriggle.

” Turn it off..” the weak mewl came from under a giant panda on the bed

” Turn off the alarm..”

” The alarm has stopped”. The response was curt and emotionless.

” Then why.. why is it so noisy..” the  voice mewled powerlessly again. It sounded pitiful and weak.

” Because your ears are ringing”. The response was again delivered in a calm and emotionless manner as a slender figure approached the bed. Just like drawing back the curtains,  the pink and purple quilt was swept away with one flick of the hand

The most tragic wail could be heard immediately, ” Don’t turn on the light.. it’s too bright..” The young man standing by the side of the bed was unmoved by the pitiful pleading, ” It’s time to get up. You have an 11 ‘o clock appointment with the dentist”

” My head hurts…” the panda wriggled again. Now she put the pillow on top of her head , blocking the light. She had no intentions of getting up at all. ” It hurts so much, my ears are ringing…”

The man standing in front of the bed smiled, but his smile looked evil. He did not respond at all. There was a heavy silence in the room for a moment. The huge panda started moving slowly, revealing a pair of eyes squinting in the light. The long eyelashes blinked as the owner of the eyes adjusted her vision

“The person in front of the bed was still standing indifferently, his arms folded across his chest. The panda moved slowly away revealing a bright pair of amber eyes. There was a hint of confusion in those eyes…

Oh, so it was that arctic man! As soon as she identified her rival, the owner of the amber eyes took immediate life saving action. She started fake crying. ” Woo..” The fake crying was done very realistically so  the audience would be tremendously  moved..

” My head hurts so badly, I think I am going to die.. why is it hurting so much…”

” Nobody has ever died from a hangover”, the answer was cold, as if each word was carved from ice. ” I’m giving you three more minutes.”

” Three minutes”, she asked in a dazed manner, ” three minutes for what?”

There was no answer.

In fact, she was very interested to know what this person would do after three minutes, but based on her past experiences, this was not something she was willing to risk. She had always found it difficult to wake up in the morning, but this man had used the most extreme and brutal tactics to solve this problem. From pouring water on her to putting five very loud alarm clocks in every corner of the room so she had no option but to get up to turn them off, he had shown no mercy. Yesterday, he had even used the hair dryer to blast hot air on her. Who had ever heard of such a thing? He had positioned the dryer on her ear. After ten seconds, she was forced to get up and escape.

His mission was accomplished. As to what she did , whether she cursed, or screamed or cried after getting up, this was not important to him at all. Song Yu Shan was beginning to doubt if this cold and cruel man was a reincarnation of some hideous demon from ancient times..

” Okay, okay, I’m getting up”. Song Yu Shan was still a bit dazed. As she moved her head, a burst of pain shot through her brain. She whispered reluctantly, ” But my head is really hurting.. hey!” Before she could finish speaking, the three minutes she had been allotted had expired.

Even though she had propped up herself on the bed and had displayed every intention of leaving the bed by her own free will, none of this counted any more. He did not hesitate, ” Ah!” the tragic screams echoed through the room. A towel drenched in ice water was placed on her face. The cold water droplets rolled down her pink cheeks, along her neck and made its way under the thin vest. Song Yu Shan jumped up and several dolls fell on the floor.

” Ouch!” This time , this was not a fake cry anymore, this was genuine. After tearing off the wet towel on her face, large tears were seen rolling down from her big amber eyes, ” Its cold…why are you like this…”

” I did warn you that I would only give you three minutes…”, the answer was as cold as the ice water on her face, delivered in manner that brooked no compassion or pity.

” I was already getting up! ” With a complaining tone, she chased behind him as he started walking away , ” My head hurts, I feel nauseous, I may be extremely sick. Maybe I will die! You still want to me to get up from bed?’

” You will not die”. He quickly walked out of the room. This pink and purple bedroom with the theme of a child’s sweet dream really gave him goose bumps.

” How would you know?” Song Yu Shan continued relentlessly, ” What if I really die ? You would be the one who murdered me !”

“If you really do die from a hangover, you would be the one who murdered yourself”.

In the spacious hallway, he looked back, his sight as sharp as an eagle. His gaze  briefly swept over her, taking in the messy hair, the vest with spaghetti straps, the tiny shorts, her exposed arms and long legs..

Song Yu Shan was 18 and a half. Though she behaved more like an eight year old, her attire did little to hide the evidence of her blooming youth, enticing a man.

Apart from her body, her heart shaped sweet face, her huge amber eyes and the slightly flushed skin made her look especially seductive. The most damning thing was that she wasn’t even aware that her clothes were in such disarray. She stood akimbo at the door to her room and glared at him in anger

He looked at her for two seconds, then started walking towards the bathroom.

Seeing him disappear suddenly, Song Yu Shan was confounded. Angrily stomping her feet, she hollered, ” How rude! I haven’t finished speaking, how can you just run away…”

Before she could finish, there was a sound from the bathroom and a thin bathrobe flew at her, landing over her face.

“Put that one”, he commanded her coldly.

Reluctantly, Song Yu Shan put on the bathrobe. Once she tied the belt, she looked up to start her rants only to find the corridor empty of anyone except herself.

The corridor was carpeted with thick rugs. Several delicate water colours hung on the wall, On the high table near the door, there was a very expensive Tiffany vase filled with yellow roses giving off a sweet fragrance.

In short, this was a gorgeous and luxurious house. Song Yu Shan stood silently for a long while, then leaned against the door of her bedroom and sighed. The arrogant and haughty look on her face disappeared , now replaced with a strange desolate emotion.

Even teh beautiful amber eyes reflected deep loneliness. She was lonely. No matter how much trouble she made, how much she ranted, how many temper tantrums she threw, she was still left all alone

Her inability to cure her loneliness drowned her. This, coupled with the headache and ear ringing made her feel weak and she slowly slipped down to sit on the floor.

Wide eyed, she stared silently at the corridor.

Such a desolate expression should never appear on the face of such a youthful and beautiful, delicate little girl., She was wealthy, an only child, one who was sent to study abroad at a young age, one who travelled as frequently on airplanes as the general populace travelled on buses. She could go wherever she wanted to go, play in whichever part of the world she wanted to, so what was this all about ?

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