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Real life was very different from what one saw in TV dramas and movies. The investigations by the police and security were unable to identify the people who were threatening the Song family. They ended up suggesting everybody be extra cautious to ward off any future troubles.

Mr Song returned from Tokyo but immediately went off to the United States. The only way he was updated about his own daughter was through the security agency. Mrs Song, after receiving the news, decided that Taiwan was too dangerous. She was not willing to come back. She wanted to stay in France. She asked Song Yu Shan if she wanted to join her mother. But her daughter refused, so she only advised her to be careful and not run around.

That was it.

An ordinary person would be flummoxed with the way the rich behaved! He also gradually discovered that Song Yu Shan’s waywardness and tantrums were simply an attempt to get attention… she just wanted someone to care for her and notice her. As log as she felt a little warmth , she would firmly hold on to it, fearing that it would disappear in a blink of an eye

And at this moment, the person she was holding on to was…

She was already immature, but now she had started behaving like a child in preschool. She had become a shadow of Xiang Yu, wherever he went, she followed. This annoyed him no end.

“ You can’t come with me!” he finally lost his patience and scolded his little follower. Her eyes widened, and his heart was pierced with twin arrows of guilt and pity. However , he tried his best to ignore those feelings. Her pink little face suddenly looked woebegone and forlorn.

“ I am going out with my mates in the security agency. It’s work related..” he tried to find an excuse. “ it doesn’t make sense for you to come.”

He was really going to meet his colleagues but it wasn’t work related. This was a monthly informal gathering. They would go to bar, relax and drink a few pegs. There was no official business being conducted. But this kind of gathering, the place, the crowd… this wasn’t really suitable for taking Song Yu Shan along. What’s more Yan Shui Xin and he were finally going through a peaceful phase. They hadn’t fought in a while and she had even called to ask if he would be coming. He really had no choice.

He had been sleeping on the sofa of the Song home for too many days. He really needed to take a breath and relax with his friends and girlfriend. Everything had been arranged. He had sent her back to the house in the city, he had a set of guards to provide security, a fellow colleague had been drafted in to stay and keep a close watch throughout the night. He was under strict instructions to call him at the slightest hint of any trouble. The only problem was Song Yu Shan who was crying and begging to go along with him

“What if someone breaks in and puts a slab of beef on the table? “she asked.

“ Won’t happen. The guards downstairs and my colleague from the agency will not allow people to break in. And there is no beef in the fridge.”

“What if the bad guy brings his own beef?”

He rubbed is forehead with one hand and tried to suppress the impulse to roll his eyes, “ I can arrange for a police dog to stay here. You know German Shephards are really fierce. They will smell any meat being brought in.”

“ I don’t want a police dog, I want my own watchdog! I want you to stay with me!!”

“ I have something else to do tonight.”

Song Yu Shan screamed, “Then the bad guys will kidnap me and you will never, ever, ever see me again!”

“ No.one.will.kidnap.you.” he said with gritted teeth.

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