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It was afternoon and the sun was shining brightly. Summer had arrived again in Taiwan.

“ What is this?” a cute childish voice asked, her crisp voice ringing out clearly in the empty reading room

“ This is ‘Xin’, “ a female voice answered.

“ Oh I know this! This is my mother’s name. Shui Xin!” The little girl was elated. She pointed at the word and read it out aloud again. “ What about yours? Will you write your name for me as well ?”

Song Yu Shan bowed her head and traced out her name carefully on the paper.

She was sitting next to little Tang at the long table at the window in the reading room. She had started out writing Tang’s name while she was sorting out the list of books. The two girls ended up playing with each other.

The six year old Tang and the twenty six year old Song Yu Shan playing together was quite a sight, and they were so close to each other , even Tang;s parents wondered why. But this was no surprise to Xiang Yu. According to him, “They both have the same type of personality and their mental age is the same.”

When he said this, his cold and handsome face had softened, and everyone had noticed. He did not hide his own emotions.

“ This is ridiculous! If you really liked each other, why wander around and get together so many years later?” Shui Xin had asked.

“ It wasn’t the right time,” Yan Yonggun had laughed.

“ And she did not try hard enough,” Xiang Yu added arrogantly, “ If she really liked me, it’s not enough just to cling on to me. She needs to be as good as me.”

“ Yes, you are really amazing. I have never seen anyone as powerful as you!” Shui Xi teased.

It had been almost a year since they got together again, and Xiang Yu was only getting more and clingier. There were no signs of him relaxing. Many times, Song Yu Shan would get irritated with his attitude, complaining that she wasn’t allowed to meet other people for coffee or lunch. Even when she was meeting her grandfather’s assistant, Mr Jiang, he wanted to come with her. She wanted to go abroad, but he wanted her to wait for him to accompany her. But he was very busy with his work as the President of the company. If she waited for him to be free, she guessed even the Antarctica would be ready to host the Olympics by then!

Even little Tang was upset. “ Daddy, you go to work! I want to be with Godmother in the library!”

“ So now you only like godmother, I am no longer important to you!”, he said to Tang

“ Daddy, you too! You only like godmother! You don’t like anyone else now!”

What could he reply to that. The fact was irrefutable, even a six year old could see the truth. So he just smiled.

On weekends or after class, Tang often went to Song Yu Shan’s library to read books or watch DVDs. When there were no other guests, she would cling to Song Yu Shan and they would play games together, or draw or write. Temporarily, the library would turn into a day care for children.

Recently, she was interested in writing down the names of famous writers and scholars, and Song Yu Shan was writing down the names of each one to teach her the letters.

“ Godmother, what is your  father’s name?” Tang looked up, her eyes big and serious as she stared at her beautiful godmother. “ And your mother, grandfather,…godmother, do you have a grandfather? My grandfather picks me up from school every day. No one else is picked up by their grandfather..”

Song Yu Shan did not look up. She continued to write quietly. Like Tang, she had a grandfather, a mother , a father….

But unlike Tang, her grandfather, father or mother were not around,  and they never loved her as much.

“I do have a grandfather, a father and mother, but they are not as good to me as yours are to you, Tang”, she smiled and casually answered the question without revealing too much of her own sorrow.

“ Doesn’t matter, godmother, you have Daddy!” Tang was quite perceptive.

“ Yes, fortunately, I have him.” When she spoke about her darling, Song Yu Shan’s smile was sweet. She sighed, but it was a sigh filled with sweet emotions. “ Although sometimes , he is a bit annoying..”

“ I have seen Daddy kiss you,” Tang announced suddenly.

Astonished, Song Yu Shan blushed, “ Is it? When?”

“ Many times. Daddy is very annoying, he is always following you around!” Miss Xiao could not help but complain, “ So much love!”

A cough sounded loudly and shocked the young lady who was complaining. The man who was subject to her criticism was standing with his arms around his chest and his slender body leaning against the counter. He was laughing at their comments. “ If you have to criticise me, wait till I am out of the room,” he said.

He was standing behind them. The President did not have a single day of leave. Even on weekends, he would come to the library to help move books, arrange them on the shelves, take the two ladies out for lunch and be criticised and scolded… Could they treat him a bit better?

“ But you are here all the time!” Tang complained, dissatisfaction plain in her voice, “ I told you to go to work! I want to be alone with godmother!”

“ Sorry, I can’t do that,” he grinned as he started walking towards them. There was a mischievous gleam in his eyes. He bowed his head and deliberately kissed Song Yu Shan in front of Tang. “ You don’t know. Your godmother is very dangerous!  You should watch her carefully, she may run away again!”

“Look! Daddy kissed you again!” Tang yelled

“ He is not kissing me”, Song Yu Shan blushed and narrowed her eyes at the man who was smiling broadly, “ You are so annoying! Are you a dog?”

He really wasn’t kissing her. Too bad he had this habit, he loved to bite her! Although he only bit her lightly, it was always enough to turn on her. She blushed, the red flush spreading all across her body.

In the quiet afternoon, the library was full of laughter and good natured teasing. The teasing was so sweet that no one would misunderstand this back and forth as anything other than one that arose from deep love and affection.

The watchdog was definitely guarding the delicate lady well.  As long as he was guarding her, she would feel safe in this world. As long as he was around, she would be pampered and live a pretty life.

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