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[[PG13 material in this chapter.. be warned!]]

Since then, everything changed in a manner that none of them could have predicted.Xiang Yu decided that giving Song Yu Shan too much space was not the right strategy. Like always, once he had determined his goal, he wanted to quickly stride towards his goal and achieve it with no room for hesitation. The problem though, was that this time it wasn’t a career goal or an object. Should he not ask her first? After all, she was also a ‘party’ to his goal and her wishes needed to be taken into consideration too!

But she found it very hard to make him understand this. He was a single-minded, goal-oriented person. In fact, in her brief experience, he was the one  who would most closely follow the plan and had the strongest determination. In business, he showed vision, but also the ability to set up detailed short, medium and long term plans, and execute these plans flawlessly to bring his vision to fruition.

This attitude extended to his own life as well.For example, every evening, he would call the library and ask about her plans for the night. What would she be doing? Nothing! Her plans were always to go home, eat something, take a shower, watch tv…

” I have a meeting at 7:00. Have a bite after work. Then wait for me at home and we can have dinner together. The study cabinet should be finished today. Have a look and see if there are any problems. You can watch TV. I’ve written down a list of programs. It’s right next to the cabinet. You can watch one of those…” he explained in detail over the phone.

What was wrong with this person? Why was her life being planned in minute detail by him?
” But I…” Song Yu Shan wanted to protest.
” What?” His voice was low and sexy, very masculine and Song Yu Shan could feel her ear turn warm. She was a stupid, dumb woman. Distracted by his sexy voice, she did not verbalise her protest.
In this manner, day after day, she was lured to his residence. They had dinner together, chatted and watched TV . His house was huge, almost 265 square metres and he was staying alone. On top of that, he had just returned from the United States. He had very few things. He was busy at work and had no time to take care of  the furnishings. As a result, the task of buying furnitures, accessories , etc all fell on Song Yu Shan.
Take the bookcase. After Xiang Yu’s stuff arrived from the US, boxes of books were piled up randomly in the study room. Once when Song Yu Shan was bored, she was rummaging through the books and realised that most of the books were quite expensive.

She could not help but blurt out, ” Don’t you think you should get a bookcase..”

” Then you get one”, he answered immediately.

The next day, she received a call from a lady who had a voice fit for a radio DJ. Miss Hu arrived at the library with a variety of catalogues on book cases.

” But Xiang Yu should have the final say…”. Faced with Miss Hu’s extreme capability , Song Yu Shan had hesitated.

” Sir said Miss Song should decide everything. The material, the colour, the style.. whatever you select, we can then have it  custom built or ready made. This is what he said. Just tell me what you want and I will arrange all that,” she had smiled at Song Yu Shan.

How could she stand in the way of Miss Hu’s competence?

She ended up selecting the book case, the carpet, the audio visual equipment, the refrigerator, kitchen utensils, all kinds of big and small decorations, including the bedding , sheets , pillowcases… At every stage, the only instruction from Xiang Yu was either, ” buy what you like” or ” do you like this? Then buy it.”

But she wasn’t the one who was going to live there. Why did it feel like she was setting up a new home?

In the evening, when he came back, she was very sadly sorting out the books to put them in the bookcase. There was a small bucket and rags next to her. She had been arranging the bookcase for more than an hour.

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