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"How are you doing?”  the woman’s voice had a hint of both teasing and curiosity, “ how many times in this week have you wanted to murder that little imp?”

He snorted and looked down at the menu, but provided no answer

“ I have professional ethics and will not criticise my customers” , he responded instead. The woman in front of him continued smiling as she was quite accustomed to his cold answers. “ Even if that little imp is annoying, you can’t deny that the work is not too bad.”

“ What’s good about it?” he finally looked up at her.

“Your salary has doubled, you no longer have to punch in your time when you go to work. You have a luxury car at your disposal…”

“ I just got called a dog guarding the gate today” he interrupted her

Sitting opposite him, Yan Shui Xin, with her straight black hair draped over one shoulder and a porcelain face with apricot shaped eyes and a smile on her face, looked like a college student. But her eyebrows were raised in a way that showed she was enjoying needling him.

“Wow, who is this courageous person who called you a dog? Song Yu Shan?”  Yan Shui Xin raised an eyebrow and looked at the serious young man sitting in front of her. “ It doesn’t matter even if she did. I’m sure she meant a fierce large dog like a K9, not a poodle or something…”

“ Shui Xin”, Xiang Yu interrupted her again, “ You don’t have to make fun of me like this. It wasn’t her.”

Although she was arrogant, wasteful and had no common sense, Xiang Yu admitted to himself that she wasn’t someone who would intentionally hurt or mock a person.

“ Oh! Then who was it?”

Shaking his head, Xiang Yu was unwilling to say anything more. “ It’s not something we should talk about, it’s not important. Do you want to order food? What do you want?”

They usually dated on weekend nights. But recently, because of Song Yu Shan and the extra work that Xiang Yu was doing, they had fewer chances to meet.

He had actually consulted Shui Xin before he picked up this work. Although she wasn’t happy about it, since it was her father who had asked for the extra help, she could not ask him to turn it down. Otherwise, who in their right mind would generously allow their boyfriend to be the bodyguard of a pretty young thing like her? And the pretty young thing in this case unabashedly expressed her admiration for her boyfriend.

Taking all this into consideration, one could really nor blame Shui Shui for occasionally taunting and expressing dissatisfaction.

“ Are you free tomorrow?”After they finished the meal, Shui Xin asked leisurely as she sipped an espresso, “Are you still on stand by for twenty four hours? Waiting to jump into action whenever that little imp calls you?”

Xiang Yu frowned this time instead of bearing her taunts with the placid attitude he had displayed earlier.

“ Shui Xin, if you are so unhappy with my work, you should have made it clear right at the beginning. Otherwise, don’t talk to me with this tone of voice.”

“ What could I do?” Shui Xin smiled gradually but there was a stubborn expression on her face, “ It was my Dad who requested you. Mr Song is my dad’s boss… how could I say no?”

The security company was part of the Yan consortium and the consortium was built by Ms Song’s grandfather. Even her father held a key position in the consortium. So , there was no way that he could turn down the request from the Songs. A few months ago, there were some threats and attempted kidnappings against various members of the Song family. The Chairman of the Yan consortium had therefore ordered the company to provide security to all family members. Song Yu Shan, who had returned to Taiwan for her summer holidays, was no exception. That was why Xiang Yu had been roped in

Loving You Is Too DifficultOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora