Chapter 3

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Chapter three

•Moncrieffe's pov

Nothing added up and the killer was still at large, it has been over four months now and not a day goes by that I didn't think of my parents.

Kimberly my eldest sister though in grieving pains for her daughter and our parents, has just left my apartment after expressing again at the lack of details at the trial. She asked me the same question everyone close to us keeps asking. That if at the time of our parents and her daughter's murder I was with Terry-ann, how come nothing about that was mentioned?

I repeated the same ridiculous excuse, the lawyer thought it best not to. Now Terry-ann was sentenced to life imprisonment to my surprise and the case closed. It was as if my parent's and my niece's life were nothing. The detectives mouth were clamped shut and everyone I tried to get answers or help from said I should let it go, because justice had been served. The lawyer wasn't even taking my calls anymore and the house was sold without us giving full permission.

My dad's signet ring was missing from his hand and I know for a fact that he never took off that ring. Someone or persons murdered my parents for something. They must have found out about me and Terry-ann and set her up to take the fall. Hurting me in more ways than one, hurting me to the core. I loved my parents and I've always had a burning torch for Terry-ann.

I remember how I use to carry chocolates in my bag to give her, but she always stayed far from me. The one time I got to gave her a chocolate, the school bully had snatched it from her hand.

My phone rang and I answered it. "Good night, who is calling?"

"I hope I haven't called too late. I've been meaning to return your call, but was too tied up. I suppose you realize this is attorney at law D.S. Jenkins." Mr Jenkins said.

"Yes sir." I respond.

"Ok, meet me at the park at six in the evening." He said and hung up.

He did not stated which park and I felt too frustrated to call back and ask him. I ignored my secretary's call and got ready for bed. She was becoming quite friendly which was quite annoying. I did not want any woman or friends and my sisters have each said I have gotten a little too aloof.

I was in my office the next day when she walked in walking seductively. "Good morning. I was calling you last night, just to check up on you." She said.

"Oh really?" I asked taking up my phone and opening it as if I was checking. "I must have been asleep." I said trying to remain polite.

"It's perfectly fine it was just a random check." She said with a cute smile, I smiled back and said.

"Thanks for checking, but you really don't have to put yourself to that trouble, your fiancé may get jealous." I told her hoping that will discourage her.

"Lol, I don't have a fiancé, I'm saving all of this goodness for the right man." She said and pose sexily pointing at herself.

"Oh, that's good." I said.

"Hey check this out, I've got these two lunch tickets for Brengy's firy taste restaurant. Why don't you come and let us have a good lunch?" She asked all in one breath and I thought how well rehearsed it sounded.

"I don't really go out much on my lunch breaks, as you know I got a tonne of work to get done." I said turning her down. "Sorry, maybe some other time." I added to soften my decline a bit.

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