Chapter 11

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              《Chapter eleven》

              《Terry-ann's pov》

  On new years eve a big fight broke out with Donetha and Tinezze in the lunch hall. I backed up to the wall with my thuggers to keep out of it. Celeste an inmate in her forties and one of the Mexican gang leaders threw a cup of drinks at me hoping to start a fight with me.

  I spat in her face and walked away quickly with my friends, to where the inmates who weren't involved in the fight were being let out through. Those who were left inside were badly beaten and bruised all over. They were refused entry to the infirmary and were locked outside on the corridors of the holding cells.

  Majority of the gang leaders had got beaten and they threatened the matron, wardens and guards. They were out there until the following morning, when they were lined up and sent to the bathrooms.

  That new years was quiet and I choked trying to hold in my laugh when I saw Tinezze. She was purble, black and blue from head to foot with bruises. Donetha was in the same condition and Celeste wasn't going to be able to see out of one of her eyes for a long time if ever.

  Only groaning and snoring could be heard around the holding cells, throughout the day. At dinner time we were served inside our cells, with matron giving strict orders that if they were a delay they should push the trolley over to the next cell. That resulted in many inmates like Tinezze and her gang not getting any dinner.

  "Only a old tired crotches would do this." Tinezze snapped low and angry from her cell. I thought matron didn't hear her, but she walked over there after about two minutes and asked for the cell door to be unlocked. Tinezze was a bloody mess when she was through with her and my stomach threatened to empty back it's contents.

  One by one the battered friends of hers was called out and sent to wash and scour everything in the kitchen. They didn't return until the wee hours of the morning the following day. They looked so bad I could not even laugh and we weren't let out no time at all for that day.

  When we were escorted to shower the next morning, the guards were in the bathrooms. Tekeary was the only one who didn't get fuck in a corner because she was on her period. She and Sebastian hugged and kissed while Obrien had me riding him on a bench away from the others. Memphis I think surprised us all with a female guard and Rhonda fucked with the guard she has only been talking to for one day.

  "Matron is away for two days so we have a little free time." He whispered to me as we showered together. I hissed my teeth and he looked down at me from his precarious height.

"Tinezze has told her about us and she is unto me. You need to leave me alone." I whispered back to him.

  He nodded and hugged me. "I'm not leaving your sweet black pussy alone. So make sure you always have a lie prepared for her." He whispered fiercely.

  I wrapped the small bag he gave me in my dirty clothes bundle and walked back with my thuggers to our holding cell. Antonia tied back up the blanket she has been using to screen us off, from the prying eyes of mainly Tinezze and her crew. Then we opened up our bundles which we show to each other. I was in a sad mood, but smiled with them to not spoil thier moods.

  "What is it?" Memphis asked me and I shook my head no to her. "Aren't you please with what he has given you?" She questioned and I sighed deeply.

"It's just our lives, they are just using us while these little things mean so much to us, I feel devalued at times." I said sadly.

  "I think they all have a good life and family outside these walls. I'm willing to accept the little affection I get, I mean what if there were none." Sassalee said then sighed.

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