Chapter 9

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              《Chapter nine》

           《Moncrieffe's pov》

  Staring distastefully at the headlines in the newspaper. I tried to remember who had been standing close to me. The picture had to be taken by one of two persons that had been there, my brother-in-law Garrett and an old man who worked as a janitor at the company.

  Why would Garrett take a picture of me and Kimone as far as he knew she was only my secretary and why was that old man standing so close to us. A knock sounded on my office door and I called enter to the personal delivery from the attorney at law.

I tipped the delivery guy and he left. Then I sat at my desk and turned to the page that was listed at the front of the book.

   In a cold place they laid waiting to be be put into their final resting home.

The authour of this book I would surely like to meet one day, I acknowledged to myself and it never ceased to amaze me, at just how good the attorney new this book.

  It was dark when we both went into the morgue. The mortician explained in full to the attorney of how my parents and neice died and we spent the whole night matching all that we found in our research to what we think and what was documented by the crime scene investigators.

  We left in our seperate rental vehicles at three in the morning and went to my parents still vacated house. The attorney picked the lock and we quietly let ourselves in through the back door.

  Carefully we checked to make sure no one was in the house, before we begin to look for clues in what was once my father's home office. The mortician was right my father was murdered in here, my mind said and I looked at the lawyer and nod as we began to search for anything that could get them to open back the case and dig deeper into my loved ones murder.

  When we left the house, we left with nothing, no clue no nothing. Whosoever cleaned up my father's office did a good job and they had to have help. I parked my rented car under the underground private garage and took the stairs up to my apartment. I slept for most of the day and when I woke up I ordered food, ate, bathe and relax.

  I returned Kimone's calls telling her I had been running errands and I declined her invitation to visit her at her apartment that night telling her I was tired and was going to sleep. When it was ten thirty I got ready and went to meet the attorney who questioned me about the same article in the news paper.

  "She's my secretary and I have been screwing her on and off, it's no biggie so stop looking at me like that." I told him.

"She just look like someone I've seen somewhere before but I can't seem to place her. I'm going to check her out just so you know, I mean she works for the company also." He said and I mumbled


  We put on our gloves and I carried the bag of tools we were planning to use in my father's home office. We walked all masked up to the house that had belonged to parents. There was a familiar car parked in the driveway and we slipped into the yard quietly to see if we could catch a glimpse of the new owners. Hearing muted voices close to the kitchen, we crept up to the windows and peeked inside.

  If it wasn't for the attorney pushing me away, I might have been seen as I stood staring through the glass at my brother-in-law Garrett and my secretary slash girlfriend. I leaned against the side of the house as my pressed my mind to come up with something, that would help me to understand why the both of them was standing around having a quite normal conversation in the house my parents and his daughter were murdered in.

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