Chapter 7

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                《Chapter seven》

               《Terry-ann's pov》


  "So I'm officially from Florida but I came here to take up a new position in the company I was working for and to be with my partner. Our relationship got strained when I found out she was screwing our boss and I threatened to leave her.

  I figured she must have said something to him when he just called me to his office. But I just told myself that if I was fired I would just move back home and get on with my life. She was in his office when I entered and- and she helped him to hold me as he taped my mouth and restrain my arms, she helped him to hold me down as he stripped off my clothes and raped me. It was so painful as he thumped hard into me and just wouldn't stop, when he finally released me I fell to the ground.

  A pen was lying close by and I took it up with my bound hands, when he came to release me after threatening me about what would happen to me if I spoke about what he did and that he will continue if I stayed in the relationship with my partner. I wrapped my legs around him and stabbed him in his neck until he laid lifeless on my lap.

My girlfriend was in a state and has she tried to escape I went after her. She opened the door and I only got to stab her twice in her face before help arrived and saved her. With all the evidence that was provided to prove he had raped me, I was still sentenced to life imprisonment without parole." She finished nodding her head. I thought she wouldn't cry because of how strongly she spoke and held herself, but she did.


  "My story ain't so classy as you all, I was fucking a known drug kingpin and got caught on a drug run after the lousy tiny dick fucker ran off leaving me. I'm here serving a life sentence for the illegal possession of a hundred pounds of dope, that wasn't even there and I was replaced by another bitch at his side before my first trial hearing." She finished bawling huge crocodile tears.

  When she finally calmed down they were all looking to me, I didn't have a guilty story like thiers but mines was out of the ordinary. They were all crying before I could finish telling them mines, the hardest part of it all is knowing that the man you were in love with, now hates you more than anything else in this world.

  I didn't deserve to be here in prison and the chance of ever leaving was dormant. The first bell rang signalling dinner time and the clearing of the yard. We would have to go to the eating hall for food because no rehearsal had kept where we would have gotten our food.

  We walked up quickly to be ahead in the line, Liana and her group was the first set to reach in behind us. She was bad news and always looking for trouble. As we moved along in the line she began to etched closer and closer until we were side by side in the line. Just then four wardens who normally take up position in the eating hall walked in.

"Where is the fucking line?" She asked. I stood my ground and so did Liana and her group. I saw Tekeary stepped to the food counter to be served and I tried to step up behind Rhonda who was behind her. "Move to the back of the line." The warden said pulling out her baton blocking me and my other three friends off. I turned and walked out of the line with the others and so did Liana and her empty headed followers.

  Now she has caused us such a long wait and we might not even get what's left in the pot bottoms.

  "See what you've caused now. You're going to pay for this little slip up you hear me?" Liana said angrily coming up to me. She placed herself ahead of me and my three friends at the end of the line when a warden came over.

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