chapter 8

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                《Chapter eight》

               《Terry-ann's pov》

  Her lousy bitches looked at me with fear as I turned towards them with the blade. Plunging it deep a couple times into her main bitch and then another beside her the fuckers began to scream.

"Shut the fuck before I butcher all of you in here." I said on a stern low tone. "Now listen when the wardens and guards comes. You're going to tell them this story. Liana and her main bitch began to fight and we espcially me were trying to part them when she stabbed me. Anyone of you say differently will not only be sucking out Liana's dead pussy but you will also be joining her." I threatened them.

"You, cunt cleaner press the alarm." I said to the overly hyped one, let's see how fast she'll find another butch. I placed the blade into Liana's right hand and unwrapped my hand, not leaving any prints on it, placing my undershirt on my stab wound my heart beated wildly. I leaned unto the back wall until the wardens and guards arrived. They took in the scene then radioed in for our cell to be opened.

  They checked Liana and I was glad when they confirmed that she was dead. Me and Liana's main bitch was taken to seperate parts of the infirmary. I was interrogated while my not too bad stab wound was being dressed and bandaged up. It certainly didn't feel like not too bad. It hurt like a motherfucker and I felt like I had fallen seven feet from a tree.

  I stuck to my story and all them bitches better do so as well, or else I'm going to fuck them up. I remained in the infirmary for two days without visit, until I was discharged and placed in a different cell with my thuggers.

  "Oh really, you deep cunt wardens couldn't put her in here so I could doctor her?" Tinezze who has been super quiet fron she returned from isolation asked the wardens rudely.

  "Shut your stupid mouth." One of the wardens chastised her.

  "Shut yours bitch." She flung at the warden.

  "Don't let me take you from that cell and fuck your face up." The warden threatened her.

"You'll have to fuck my pussy up too, or I'll tell matron where her pet dick finds pleasure when none of us is in isolation." Tinezze flung angrily at her and i sat up at the dirty piece of news.

  The other warden pulled the warden who had been arguing with Tinezze to go, but she was angry and took out her batton requesting for the cell where Tinezze was in to be opened. When it did she went in to beat Tinezze, but it was a very bad choice because Tinezze and her bitches beated her and the other warden badly and now a review of the camera footage will be watched.

  She would most definitely lose her job and or may even be charged and or may be subject to danger, all over a prison guard. I'm sure Tinezze was referring to Obrien. It seems he was a favourite among the women. Both inmates, wardens and guards and the woman who wanted him the most sat on the helm of this unjust evil ship, that I didn't want to sink with me in it.

  The attorney came to visit me again and gave me a message from my mother. She told him to tell me she was tied up and couldn't get a chance to come visit me. Nice message I thought and continue to tell me she had made contact with Moncrieffe, through him and they were keeping everything a secret.

  He said Moncrieffe was shock to find out I had a child for him. But all throughout what he was saying was my fear that he would take my baby away. My mother could be really stubborn and thoughtless of consequences, what if the money she was hoping to swindle out of Moncrieffe turned into a loss. She would also lose the child support she was collecting every month for the baby and I would lose the one thing that kept me sane in here. Knowing that my baby was with my mom and not with the man who now hates me beyond imagination.

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