Chapter 13

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Moncrieffe's pov

If it wasn't for Mr. Jenkins, I would be in jail awaiting trial for multiple murders right now. I tried to remain calm while I planned my sisters unknown vacation. My heart will forever bleed for the untimely and brutal killing of my parents and my niece.

Life was so unfair.

Kimone entered my office after knocking and I glance at her as she walked to my desk. "Hey, you've been cooped up in here all morning," she said.

I sighed, "yea, just going through some files, what's up with you?" I said then asked her.

"Wanna go for lunch?" She asked.

"Uh, uh. I have some things to finish, but you can go, I'll manage till you're back." I told her.

"Ok, need me to bring you back a sandwich or something?" She asked.

"Yeah. That would be great." I replied.

As soon as she was out the door I called Jenkins, it's been two days now since I've watched the tape with her and Garrett having sex. I grabbed my paper bin and gagged in it, Jesus, will I ever feel better. Jenkins answered while I was gagging and I guess he realized what was taking place so he was waiting.

"Sorry sir, she'll be going out to lunch." I told him.

"No worries, I'm on location," he stated.

"Ok," I said and end the call.

Damn! That was embarrassing I thought. After cleaning up, I continued with my researches.

Terry-ann's pov

The doctor introduced herself as a shrink, "how are you feeling?" She asked caringly.

"I'm fine," I replied detached.

She smiled, a smile that didn't reach her eyes. She had light brown eyes and dark brown hair with auburn highlights, she was medium build and her most distinctive feature was probably her pointed too straight nose. Her eyes were assessing me and I kept my eyes down so she could not see in them.

When she called my name, I looked up at her with a blank gaze. "Are you hungry?" She asked leaning her head to one side.

"Yes," I mumbled lowly.

"Was that a yes?" She queried pleasantly.

"Yes," I said again nodding my head.

"Ok, I'll be back with something," she said going to the door, it opened and she walked out.

She didn't asked what I wanted to eat I thought warily keeping my face away from the camera. I sat there staring at a spot on the tiled floor, which had nothing interested about it. They will probably put medication in my food, I sighed thinking of how I was going to have to bare some hunger.

Life in the kitchen attic was bliss, I could say I have put on some flesh. From the last meal prepared for the night staff, I got a huge bowl. I ate out the pastries and drank out the juices, taking back some with me. My early morning cookings were the best, in the dim lighting I would prepare scrambled eggs with minced beef and mozarella cheese, reserved only for the higher ranks of the staff. All that was kept for them that the prisoners and lower staffs did not get, I had took advantage of.

The door open and Dr. Bloomfield walked in with a small covered tray, "here you go," she said handing it to me.

Blankly I gaze up at her, "aren't you hungry? Here take it." She said and I took it slowly from her hands.

Uncovering the tray, ah really she went for prisoner food, I said irritably in my mind and had to control my facial expression to not give away myself. I used the spoon to gingerly prize off a piece of the macaroni and cheese pie. Slowly I lift the spoon to my mouth and began chewing.

"Would you like to have a chat with me now? Or should I come back when you're done eating?" She asked and I didn't look up at her.

"Oh well, since this is important let me ask you, did anyone, Obrien for example have sexual intercourse with you while you were hiding up in the kitchen attic?" She asked.

"I won't tell anyone." She added.

I place the tray on the bed beside me, pull my legs up and place my head down on it.

"When last did you have your period do you remember?" She asked.

After about five minutes of just standing there, she finally went out and I heard the door relock. I sat there until my back ached, then I covered the phone leaving it same place on the bed and went to sleep.

I was told I had a visitor two days after and I was taken to bathe and given clean garments. I was so glad to see my mother, she has finally come to visit.

"Hello mom, how is everything?" I asked excitedly as I watched her facial expression.

She gave an awkward smile, "everything is fine, I can't complain. What about you?" She said then asked.

"I'm coping, trying to be strong." I told her quietly. "How is my babygirl?" I asked eagerly.

"She's doing great, her father makes sure she has all she needs, he's taking good care of us." She said with a gloating tone I couldn't miss even if I had tried.

"Did you bring any pictures, she must be walking good by-" I was saying.

"No! I'm going to leave now, it was nice to see you," she said getting up.

I felt a thud in my heart, "wait, what is she doing now? What does she likes to eat? Have she started to say small words?" I asked a few burning questions I had badly wanted to hear the answers to.

She pause then sat back down, "I said she is doing great. One of your friend's told me you and Moncrieffe were together from in high school and you pretend like you were such a saint. I can't forget how you use to complain that Mr. James was making advances at you, when we weren't even a virgin anymore. Now you expect me to be coming here often and pitying you, when you didn't complain while opening up your legs to people's man."

Her words cut like a knife through me and I felt like I want to die, it felt like my heart had just been hammered. I stared at her for a moment with my vision glossy and then I got up. "I have never slept with any man until a few months before Moncrieffe's parents and niece were murdered and I dont have any friends. Please take care of your granddaughter." I told her and walked back to the gate to be led back to my cell. I allowed my tears to run down my face unashamedly, it was the worst thing anyone's parent could have said to them.

When I was put back in my cell I lie down with my face away from the camera and cried my heart out. How could she even think much less say those words to me, my daughter was not safe and I trembled at the thought.

A week after I got another visitor, it was the lawyer man again. His questions were mostly about Kimone and I told him apart from the fact that I knew she had a burning hatred for me, I didn't know anything about her. I had never thought to go into indept search about her and now after the lawyer had gone, to research about her and the man he asked about filled my mind, but I have no access to the library where I could use the computers. I felt hopeless.

My life was just wasting away inside this prison and there was no glimmer of a chance of ever getting out. The following week after careful evaluation, I was placed in a different section of the prison. It was where the mentally challenged inmates were kept and at the end of that week a shocker came.

A small clip of Moncrieffe's parents and niece being murdered was being circulated on the media. The prison was in a frenzy and it was the non-stop topic, non of the culprits face was shown on the clip only their feets. Rumors started, peiple being singled out and kinds of things. I nurse my aching head daily praying for an ease, that will not come when another clipping was released. This one showing someone carrying an unconcious me inside the victim's home and placing me beside the already slain people.

It would seem easy from the outside perspective, but on the inside it was a different scene. My life is being hunted like never before and I was bound to die if I didn't fight back.

To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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