Chapter 12

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            《Chapter twelve》

           《Terry-ann's pov》

  By the time I was halfway through the song, I was sobbing and couldn't continue. I cried until I didn't have anymore tears left, I sniffed and blew my nose into my sweater because I felt too spent to get up.

  Sassalee was not sleeping, she was lying on her back staring up into the ceiling.

  "Now that you have finished sobbing, sing the song with all of your pent up emotions." Someone said from close by, I jumped in fright on realization of who had spoken.

  It was Manteca the inmate who butchered all her family members.

  "I'm in here serving life for a crime I didn't do, I don't want to sing. I don't want to do anything but die." I said sadly.

  "You're aren't the only one." She said and paused. I thought she had finished talking and moved away from her cell bars when she said. "Some of us learn to build iron bars around our heart in order to survive and to adjust to our situations, we tell ourselves that we are guilty of the crime and it's up to us to decide whether we live or die in here."

  She didn't speak again and after a while I stood up and began to sing the song again. (Then you look at me by Celine Dion)

  When I finished singing to my surprise Manteca began to sing. She sounded so good, if she was not standing at her cell bars I wouldn't believe she was the one singing.

  When she was finished singing (If I  were a boy by Beyonce), I sang (life is so unfair by Ciara).

  Sobbing was heard from some of the cells of the inmates. In that moment I accepted that I was in prison and I may never get out, so I was going to live like it was normal for me to be here and I felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders upon my acknowledgment.

  My tears began to flow silently as all that I've done since imprisoned flashed before me. I sighed deeply feeling angry and low that I have had to actually kill not one but four persons in all. It still felt unreal to me and I know I have been pushing away the reality of it from my mind in order to cope.

  I felt numb, I was here serving time for the murder of three people and now I have murdered four people in prison. I sighed again feeling a headache coming on. I whispered a silent prayer asking God, to please forgive me, protect me and help me.

  I was taken from my cell and was badly beaten by some wardens the next night in front of matron. I didn't know why and each time I asked, I got multiple hits out of a batton. I was then placed into isolation for two full weeks. Where I read and exercise daily.

  Sassalee asked me what happened and where I had been when I was brought back. I told her and then lay on my bunk with my back to her and went to sleep.

"They are trying to break you." Manteca said as I woke up yawning widely. "Obrien and Sebastian is being transferred, you'll need to watch your back even more after this." She stopped talking as a guard came and took her from her cell. She was going out in the yard and won't be back until three hours time, while I'm pining with questions to ask her.

  I excercise intensely in the cell space, Sassalee looked at me occasionally from the book she was reading. It has become difficult to talk or make jokes with her, but after forty-five minutes of rigorous excercise I played a few games of card with her.

  Keeping active was keeping me sane. The days were never ending and the repeating of things made me feel worthless. When the wardens came for me that night, I beat all four of them and hid in the ceiling of the kitchen.

  I listened to all conversations, ate and took things from the kitchen. I took a baking pan with a cover that I used to shit or piss in during the day time when the place was accomodated. In the daytime I kept quiet and in the nights, I became active. I excercised and made tea, I ate and talked to myself.

  It became the norm for two and a half months, when they finally searched the attic roof of the kitchen. I put seven wardens and five female guards in the infirmary. I beated them so bad, I was shot with some kind of stabilizer and fell down unconcious.

  When I awakened, I was in a different solitary confinement from the one we were normally placed in. The first thing I notice was that I was being recorded. I began speaking to myself and acted as if I was in a mental state.

  "Jackie Chan he he, I want to go to the movies." I said and began excercising. "I'm going to be a movie start. Hoyyy, Donnie yen Mr. Ipman. I am a movie star." I continued for about an hour. Sweating profusely, I lie on the single bed and giggled a bit.

  The door opened and a man dressed as a doctor came in.

    Moncrieffe's pov

  I lay alone in bed racking my thoughts to and from, it was hard to think about Terry-ann and not get a boner. I wondered what she was doing and if she missed me, she must be so scared and I just really hoped she was alright. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her, my parents and my sweet innocent little niece.

  My alarm went and I got up and got dressed at after two in the morning, I set up the body cam on my shirt front and took up my glock. My footfalls were quiet as I used the stairs instead of the elevator down to the underground parking lot. Scanning the dim area thoroughly before I walked to my car, I know I'm not the same person I was before my loved ones lives were so brutally taken. I'm not a killer and I don't want to be, but if I have to kill for my safety and those I love. I will.

Quietly me and the lawyer entered what was once my parents house, soundlessly we searched the house to make sure its vacant like we did before. Then we went into my dad's home office and began searching differently.

"I think I'm unto something," I whispered to the lawyer across from me, as I continued to pullout the fine wire from where it was connected.

  He came and assisted me and together we followed the wire up into a tiny space in the roof, where a surprise setup of cameras were efficiently being run from a socket connection on one of the hallway walls. It was a good place to hide something like this, no one would have found it if you weren't looking hard for something.

  It was near daybreak when I finally finished downloading all the stored files from off it and we pulled it down to take it with me so Garrett and those who were involved in my loved ones demise will never lay hands on it. We locked up back the house and left in our seperate rented cars, it was a good find and I planned to view the recordings with the lawyer after we catch some sleep.

"Would you like me to order some food?" I asked Mr. Jenkins.

  Clearing his throat he responds, "only if you have nothing in your kitchen."

I snorted, "I don't really cook, it's been a while since I've even bought groceries in any kind," I told him.

"Ok, order something that doesn't contain too much grease then." He said.

I placed the order for eight o clock and went to sleep. At the sound of someone knocking, I awoke and went to the door. Mr. Jenkins came out of the room down the hall from mines the same time I did. After asking whom it was, we both put away our firearms and i went to collect our order.

We ate then went to start watching the videos, no sooner had I started, I went wretching in the bathroom. I sat on the floor and cried agonized tears, Mr. Jenkins came to the door and looked down at me.

"We're going to get them, all of them. It isn't going to be easy, but we'll plan. I'm afraid you may have to gt your hands dirty." He said leaning against the door frame.

"You know if you hadn't shown this type of emotion I would have start to suspect you. You have proven to be a strong man Moncrieffe, strong men cry. When you pull yourself together you will want to see the rest of the video." With that said he walked away.

I pulled myself together after a while then went back to finish watching the videos.

To be continued...

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