Chapter 5

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《Chapter five》

《Terry-ann's pov》

"Back away right now Donetha." One of the guard up in the guard box said through the speaker. "Don't call my name small dick." She shouted up at him and some of the inmates began to roar with laughter.

She turned back to me. "Now get the fuck up bitch!" She yelled at me but I remained seated there looking up at her.

She lifted her hand to slap me and I blocked it and stood bucking her hard on her nose. Blood spewed from it as she held it and started to bawl. Two of the women she had came in with step towards me.

"Fuck with me and I'll kill you both and anybody else who fuck with me." I shouted at them with a menacing screw on my face.

Some of those who were in the yard with us, looked across at me maliciously. But I had already made up my mind to survive for as long as I could throughout this life sentence and I couldn't if I was going to allow myself to be bullied.

Her friends took her to the gate that led back inside, she was still leaning up against the it ten minutes later when the wardens finally let her through.

"All of you come and sit." I said and beckoned to the new inmates as well.

"You all need to watch my back and we all are going to watch each others back in this shit show. You understand me?" I whisper shout asking.

"Yes, yea, mmhnnn...." they respond.

"Good." I said.

I was led inside and taken to the head wardens office. "Your first day out in the yard and you're in a fight?" She questioned accusingly.

"You know that I did not pick a fight with that red haired bitch. I'm serving a life sentence for something I didn't do. If you all don't protect me in here who will?" I said and asked her.

She looked at me with a steely gaze. "You don't want to make a bad impression and you really don't want any enemies." She warned.

"You're right I don't, I want to get out of here to my daughter." I told her.

"Then go to the infirmary and tell Donetha that you're sorry to broke her nose and avoid taking sides with any of the gangs." She stated.

I hate having to go and apologize when she was the one who came and pick a fight with me, but I didn't want any enemy and hopefully she will accept my apology and leave me the fuck alone.

The warden who escorted me to the infirmary, stood outside the door while I went in and saw Donetha lounging on a bed with her nose dressed and bandaged.

"Hey! how is your nose?" I asked. Her eyes widened when she saw me and I saw her swallowed.

"Did matron send you over here?" She said more than asked with a hiss of her teeth.

"Not really. I just decide to come after she said I could, I'm sorry by the way if you want it." I said without really caring.

"Humph, you're a fiesty little ass aren't you?" She snorted and said holding her nose.

A nurse came to her and I step away and waved bye to her. On the walk back the warden ask me if I apologized or we exchanged curse words. I told her I apologized as best as I could, she said stay out of trouble and turned at the gate leaving me to enter the big gate which leads to more than fifty cells.

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