XIX. The worry

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"BB, take Grogu" I order leaving the kid under the droid's control.
I run towards the man
"please be all right, please, be all right" I hear myself thinking out loud

"Din?" I kneel down "Do you hear me?"
I realise it's a stupid question, unharmed or not he was too close to the explosion, his hearing won't be okay for a while.
He doesn' move.
I scan his body to look for injuries. His cape is all ripped and his chest armor is badly damaged.

I shake him and I see his helmet finally move.
"K- Kai?"
As always happens when I'm worried I start talking too fast and too much 
"Oh stars, Din! Yes it's me. Are you all right? I know it's stupid, you just got blown away from the ship but-"
"I can't her you well" he says in a whisper
"Sorry. Sorry" I say louder
"I don't feel so good"

I feel something wet and warm reching my hand. It's blood, and it's coming from his leg, where a shard of metal stabbed his quadriceps.
"Dank farrik" I exclaim taking off my cloak to bandage the injury
"You're picking up my swear words?" Din says staying still and breathing loudly
"I guess you influenced me, yes" if I don't want him to freak out I need to distract him
"Look at you" I force a mocking tone "All mighty, huh?"
He chuckles for a second before coughing.
After securing the cloak on his leg I raise my eyes on his chest, seeing that his beskar chestplate is badly damaged. I press lightly my fingers on his abdomen. He grunts in pain as i feel his ribs, a few are definitely broken. 
I feel myself a little short of breath, so I stop for a second to take a deep breath.

"I'm going to need a hospital, don't I?"
"I'm afraid so. I bet you hate it"
"A lot"
"I'm sorry, but you need it"
"Nevarro. Nowhere else"
I look at him for a second.
"I'm gonna get help okay? I'll be back, I promise"

I whistle at BB-4 to sign him that he has to check to both our friends.
'Think, Kai, think'
I look around me and I spot what I needed
'Yes! Mr. Drayson!'

I run towards the ship rental shop. It is the best rental of Anchorhead, thanks to its proximity to the shipping terminal. The owner is the number one fan of my mom's bakery and a family friend. I know I can count on him

I push the door and see a young twi'lek inside
"I need Mr. Drayson, now. Please, it's an emergency" I say loudly
I see the being looking at me in shock, probably for the blood stains on my hands
"What's happening here, Thwac?" a old-ish besalisk enters from a back door

"Mr. Drayson!"
"Who-... Kaira Satri?"
"Oh my stars, haven't you gotten big since the times I helped you with homewor-"
"I'm sorry, don't wanna interrupt. I need your help"
He notices my clothes an gasps
"It's my friend. He was in an explosion"
"Of course I'll help you, kid"
"I need a ship,  they blew up the Spark"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Sure, I trust you. Take one, just be careful"
"Thanks a lot, I owe you a thousand of mom's cupcakes. I'd love to chat, but..."
"Go, no worries, little one"

I sprint back to Din

"BB, help me with him. I take Grogu"
My droid takes out Grogu's Cart and adjusts its lenght, then I manage to drag Din on it
"Roll, buddy. Let's go!"

I guide him to the ship garage and take the one Mr. Drayson gave me:
"Quick BB"
I put Grogu on one seat and secure firmly Din on a cot:
As my droid takes place we take off and head to Nevarro

The ship is one of the fastest I've ever seen, I hope it's fast enough.
What does Nevarro have that makes it the only place Din trusts?

As we travel I get to the bag and take out my father's cloak. Mine is now helping Din not to bleed out, and this one is no good use if kept away... I guess it's time for it to belong to a Kenobi again.
I put it on me after cleaning the blood away, and I feel a warm and familiar aura, the same I feel with the only memory I have of my dad.

That man in Beskar [The Mandalorian x OC]Where stories live. Discover now