Stoner Headcanons

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Wow! I can't believe I haven't done this chapter yet! Well, let's begin, shall we?

Also, on an unrelated note, we're on Chapter 169 of this shitty book (nice 😎).

1. He's actually a geology major.  I already touched on this, but yeah, he's either in college or went to college to study geology because it's something he's genuinely interested in.  Yeah.

2. He has a rock collection.  This includes crystals, and he does believe in the stuff that crystals are supposed to do.  He'll even gift his friends his crystals sometimes if he thinks they need a certain one.  He also has normal rocks that he'll either paint or leave unpainted, and he's named all of them.

3. As well as having a lot of rocks, he also has a lot of plants.  No, I'm not just referring to weed.  In fact, most of his plants are non-smokable.  He's also named all of his plants based on the vibes he gets from them, whether they feel like a Gladys, Petunia, etc., yeah.  He also makes sure to water his plants as much as they need to get watered so they don't die.  He accidentally killed a plant as a kid and cried for weeks because of it.

4. He didn't like his first high experience.  I mean, everything was ok until he started having panic attacks because of the weed.  It took him a little bit to get used to inhaling a plant, but he eventually did, and he started to enjoy getting high, though sometimes it'll still make him panic.

5. He's quite musically talented, actually.  From being a DJ to being in band in high school to playing acoustic guitar from time to time to actually being a pretty good singer, he's definitely got skill in that area.  He's not, like, a god at that stuff or anything, but he's definitely got enough talent for it to be recognized.

6. Branching off from last headcanon, yep, he was a band kid.  I don't know where this idea came from tbh, it just popped into my mind, and I thought it fit, so I went with it. I'm having trouble deciding which instrument he would play, though.

7. He's fully Hispanic but has lived in the US his entire life.  As a result, he's fluent in both English and Spanish, a skill set he'll show to people if they ask politely.

8. Around Christmas time one year, he tried to smoke mistletoe. It didn't go well; he was hospitalized and almost died.

9. He absolutely despises loud noises, as well as specific noises that may or may not be loud. They give him headaches for long periods of time, and it's annoying.

10. He's pretty prone to headaches, and so he uses weed to try and help those. Also, don't use strobe lights in front of him, or he will get a migraine for a day straight. Also, he really only uses weed for headaches when painkillers won't work.

11. Totally not projecting hehe, but Stoner is neurodivergent methinks. In my own mind, he may have, like, dyslexia, or autism or something.

12. He can cook. He's pretty good at it and sometimes just does it for fun. He likes to have fun in the kitchen by recreating foods such as spaghetti tacos, cheese jerky, the Naco, Bubble Bass's order, etc. The messes he make when cooking, though, haven't been fun to clean up.

13. He once mistakenly ate a caramel onion thinking it was a caramel apple. Overall, he didn't think it tasted bad, but he didn't like the aftertaste it left in his mouth. And yes, his breath was absolutely rancid after eating it, and unfortunately, he didn't have any breath mints on him when he ate it.

14. He is a fan of adult cartoons, and his favorite is Rick and Morty. He once called Baggy Morty by accident, and Baggy was mostly just confused by this, as Baggy doesn't see his resemblance to Morty.

15. His favorite kind of music is metal, but he likes pretty much anything he can vibe with, which is most things.

I think that's it for this chapter.  I could probably think of more headcanons for him, but right now, my mind is blanking

See you guys in the next one! :)

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