Random Thoughts with Felix 2

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Yes, this is probably going to be a thing now.

Anyways, I had another random thought.

What would happen if one of us had an accidental run-in with another one of us? Like, what would happen if we had accidentally met each other in real life?

Honestly, if that happened to me, my inner fanboy would probably come out just a tad, but I'd try to be chill about it.

I can kind of imagine this happening on the streets somewhere, though it likely wouldn't happen to me, since I'm pretty sure nobody in my area is into Among Us Logic, at least not like I am, and I know that several of you live in different countries from where I live.

Also, it would be kind of cool if we had a meetup somewhere, but I don't know how plausible that would be, and I, along with probably a lot of others, likely wouldn't be able to attend.

Though, I also kind of like the idea of people not seeing my nasty ass face that's plastered with acne and sweat. 

Also, I can't trust random fuckin strangers on the internet, and I haven't made any close friends in the fandom thus far. I don't know how likely it is that I will, considering how awkward I am in conversation and being very introverted in general, with the added stress of social anxiety.

Alrighty, I'm not gonna let this turn into a rant or a vent.  If I need to vent, I'll save it for a different chapter or I'll do it on a more private platform.

Yep, this is basically just my mind running wild.  That's probably what I'll do when I publish these kinds of chapters.

Anyways, that's it for this chapter!  See you guys in the next one!

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