Thinking of Changing my name from Amyraa to Irrelevant Bitch.

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Sometimes I surprise myself whenever I remember how irrelevant I am in my friend group.

I have this group of 4-5 friends IRL that I used to hang out with during my 11th and 12th and even after. Even though they weren't the bunch I would quite fit into, I genuinely thought they'll stick around.

Well, surprise- surprise!! They didn't.

They left me out.

Not like I'm not used to it, but I really cared for them.

If you've been around for some time you might know my personality is kinda different. (Not in the "I'm not like other girls" way, I'm just... Different lol.) So like... Yeah...


How do I explain this?

I feel like a ghost. My presence doesn't matter. I might be standing right next to them but they would still be talking among themselves as if I'm not even there.

Speaking in terms of maths, I'm a variable.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

Now y'all might be thinking what happened to me?

As I said, I had a friend group. Not anymore. I'm thinking of distancing myself before I get more hurt than I already am.

After Neet results came out, I joined my old coaching centre to prepare for next year. But I don't want to attend classes some days so I've been asking them if they could come and hang out with me.

Welp, they agreed quite a few times but every single time they fall sick just the day before.

Y'all get what I'm implying.

It's not like I've been asking every single day YK. I've been going there for a month now. And JUST the day before we're supposed to hang out, they catch a cold, have a fever, need to go to the doctor etc etc🙂

Ngl I knew this was coming. It happens every single time but this time, it hurt a lot because they're straight-up lying to my face. Makes me wonder if I'm that bad to be around.

I don't think so, bitch.

What am I going to do next?

Probably stop talking to them altogether.

Leave the GC.

Be lonely but at peace.

Now's a good time to say goodbye to toxicity (and potentially some weird disease if they're actually falling sick this often).

I know I'm worth more than this lol. I might be stupid but I'm not an idiot with no self-worth.

So children, if anyone ever treats you like my "friends" treated me, cut them off. They don't deserve you. It's better to be alone than be surrounded by snakes.

Also, choose your friends wisely, don't be like me.

You're worth more than what you think you are. I hope you all find people who value you. Surround yourself with positivity and keep irrelevant bitches miles away from yourself.

If someone makes you feel like a ghost, they're not worth your time or effort. I hope y'all never go through what I did today but in case you do, know that you're an icon and I love you.

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