Revealing my laptop gallery

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yeah, so I was just sitting there bored to hell, thinking I've been inactive for too long. So I thought of at least giving people some content lmao and I decided why not show you all what's on my laptop?! 

so behold! the shit I got on my laptop gallery!

so behold! the shit I got on my laptop gallery!

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I've been reading Jujutsu Kaisen's manga these days and this was just too epic to not screenshot lmao. If you ask me how it was... I'd probably say it's rather boring, to be honest. For over a hundred chapters it's just same few people just fighting. 

and I know a few of you would go 'Well it's a shonen series. What did you expect?' Look I get it's a shonen action manga but things get too monotonous after a while. Like, give my boy Yuuji a break!  Still, I like how things are going so far and all the characters are pretty fun, especially Sukuna who's like the main villain here (probably). So far as the manga is concerned, there is no shitty excuse for him to be the bad guy, at least till now. He just is evil. And those are the sort of villains I personally dig. Just pure evil. 

 Would I recommend it? maybe, it depends. Do I hate it? Not at all.

It's not great but It's not too bad either.

(also I got more screenshots of the manga but if I put them here I'll exceed the maximum limit so...)

This is just Bokuto being adorable

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This is just Bokuto being adorable. Do I need to explain anything more than that?

he's just adorable.

I've named this "Kuroo being Kuroo"

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I've named this "Kuroo being Kuroo". The sass. The queen behaviour. The flavour in this one picture.

This one's also from Jujutsu Kaisen

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This one's also from Jujutsu Kaisen. First of all, I would like to say, Aoi Todo best boy. periodt. He helped the protagonist (left) improve himself and regards him as his brother. He's incredibly skilled and really powerful. He's my favourite character after Sukuna lol.

this is a meme I've saved to use on either may_bornmia or Imfrigginjoon 

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this is a meme I've saved to use on either may_bornmia or Imfrigginjoon 

this is a meme I've saved to use on either may_bornmia or Imfrigginjoon 

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...I have no idea why I have this.

do I need to explain why I have this? I mean it's Tom Holland!

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do I need to explain why I have this? I mean it's Tom Holland!

so that's it, folks! these are basically the type of things I have on my laptop gallery. In case you were wondering I do have BTS pictures as well but they would be too boring since y'all probably have them already 😂😂

If you want me to do a review on Jujutsu Kaisen next I'll be glad to do that so don't hesitate to ask!

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