What I do in school

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So backstory first. Last day was so bad for me that I really want to erase it from the calander.

I almost missed my bus and had to run to catch it ON MY PERIODS. Then we had the school assembly of 15 minutes where I had to stand then in the class the teacher made me stand for another 45 minutes for some reason only he knows and again one class later in had to stand again for the lab. Now if it was any normal day it'd have been okay. But that was like 3rd day of my very very painful and late period so like I was about to throw hands  at everyone that day 😂.

Now without much further useless ranting here we go...

"Fucking fuck fuck fucking fuck fuck fuck.

The heck they're making me stand....

I hope they choke on a roti.

AHHH my stomach hurts so much and I'm dizzy. I didn't even eat today. Why the fuck
My body hurts so much and I want to strangle someone but like go home and sleep till eternity. And GOSH these girls didn't even turn the fan on. Man I want coffee so much but also like a cold water bath and a knife to stab people.

Spontaneous process my ass sir I ain't gonna write if you make me fucking stand on the day I'm bleeding my unfertilized child out onto a highly uncomfortable sheet of absorbent on a pathetic sticky plastic whose sole purpose in life is to stick to my buttcrack.

(Quote of the year y'all)

According to the first law of thermo- don't- give- a- fuck we derive that I need to be more regular and get more comfortable shoes.


Why is he dictating so fast for? Oh my stone. (Okay that was a fanfic reference don't kill me.) MY STOMACK HURTS YOU ASSCRACK MAKE ME SIT OR I'M GOING TO CURSE THE FUCK OUT OF YOU YOU MALE UMBRIDGE.

My uterus is SCREAMING.

Aish old man why so serious?

I swear on my unfertilized egg I'll really pass out now. Nah I'm just being dramatic but I stink because of the sweating.
Dude will you stop for a bit?

Fucking hell you bitch. Wow the bell rang thank the uterus lords. Bye now. I hope this teacher gets Diarrhea.

Yes, that's what I do when I'm pissed. And don't worry for my studies I studied it already 2 years ago😂.


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